Game Mechanics Make enemies more realistic!


The Destroyer
I notice something unreasonable:The enemies are so united that players are the only victims.It's not fun.;(
Maybe we can get different kinds of enemies to attack each other,such as The Hallow and The Corruption can be antagonistic to each other. So that we can fight the enemies with the enemies like Don't Starve,I think it's interesting.<3
The title mislead me a bit.... if you know you know.
I actually like the idea, at first thought I was worried about how it affects farms but I think with it being restricted to specific groups it would make the mechanic of enemy aggression make more sense for a singleplayer scenario. And enemy infighting already exists in slight extents as well, bees trade hits with non-bee enemies, queen bee too but not hornets iirc, I recall a strategy being used once where you bring DG into your queen bee fight to kill her faster but as you can imagine it is far from practical :D
I like the idea of enemies having similar aggression rules to how multiplayer does, with enemies having a lower base aggression than the player does so it doesn't become so easy- you'd need to build into it for that. Make bees just attack the closest thing in sight, if an evil or hallowed enemy loses track of you they will patrol for either you or an enemy of the opposite biome, again with you as a priority.
The idea just seems like it could be implemented as a funny interaction that you sometimes run into, but I am not for a full enemy faction system.
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