So I made this language / writing system for fun. I can "translate" something into it for you.

It's a very interesting thread, nice to see some good and unique languages. I had a one of my own to use in my universe, but I never did write much of it. Most of it were old stone tablets, specific words, names and sometimes magic ( though this was more complex ). I think I should go back to it.
Anyways, I'm curious how would "Verthor" and "Antaxilena" translate into Samrux speak. Verthor comes as pronounced ( I'm too lazy to write it ) from a word in the language I mentioned, though, and means "lightning thunder" ( -thor part is a coincidence here, I didn't know of Thor when I was making this name ).
I'm a little pissed about the quality, but here it is: the samruxbabble table; if you are, for some reason, interested in the pretty symbols I draw.

Here is every character possible, without taking into account the ornaments, or stylized handwriting. Consonants on top, vowels on the left.
As you can see, the vowels simply lightly modify the consonants' symbols.
This is not the best rendition of these characters, as they are meant to be drawn in a manner that is more flowing and artistic when actually used. The table merely exemplifies the way in which vowels and consonants interact.


Here's also a bigger, full-contrast version

The consonants are as follows:
y, w, b, v, s, th, l', ll, d; t, k, x, g, m, n, rr, r', p .

And the vowels are:
a, o, i, e .

In regards to the actual language: I now have a limited dictionary of about 100 words, but not a lot of theme variety amongst those (It's mostly core concepts and words relating to nature, so far). I expect to make it to a few hundred words of vocabulary before it is usable.

@TheBezixx: I'm sorry for not replying earlier. I will show you the things you requested tomorrow, as I have been... Busy, of course. And, as you suggested, you could perhaps take this thread as inspiration, and go back to making your own creations, as you used to ^^.

Here's a question for anyone currently reading the thread:
Do you find this interesting? Would you like to know more about it?

I hope you're all having a spectacular week.
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I find this very interesting, but then again I am a huge fantasy nerd so alternate language systems are massively appealing to me.
2 things.
How do you write John Cena in this language?
Also, could I use this as the official language in my imaginary alternate universe?
It's a very interesting thread, nice to see some good and unique languages. I had a one of my own to use in my universe, but I never did write much of it. Most of it were old stone tablets, specific words, names and sometimes magic ( though this was more complex ). I think I should go back to it.
Anyways, I'm curious how would "Verthor" and "Antaxilena" translate into Samrux speak. Verthor comes as pronounced ( I'm too lazy to write it ) from a word in the language I mentioned, though, and means "lightning thunder" ( -thor part is a coincidence here, I didn't know of Thor when I was making this name ).
Here you are



2 things.
How do you write John Cena in this language?
Also, could I use this as the official language in my imaginary alternate universe?
Here's John Cena

I don't know what you actually mean by "use". You may use it to write whatever you want in anything you create, if you want to. But I'm just dead-scared that someone might steal this whole thing and claim it as their own in some obscure part of the internet. So just make sure to not do that, and it's fine. Keep creating!

@Supeh Mario
You asked me to write "Jamboree". I don't know what that is, but here it is anyways:



And a tiny one:
Here's John Cena

I don't know what you actually mean by "use". You may use it to write whatever you want in anything you create, if you want to. But I'm just dead-scared that someone might steal this whole thing and claim it as their own in some obscure part of the internet. So just make sure to not do that, and it's fine. Keep creating!
Thanks, I just was going to write some parts about my land with it. If anyone asks, I'll give you credit.
Here is what I have made of this created language so far. I call it "Wi", which is the literal world for language in samruxbabble.

.A word, represented by a single symbol, is composed of two to three sounds. The sounds themselves carry meaning and give it to the word. The structure, from most to least important, is as follows:
The first sound sets the topic, and is a consonant. It is the main body of the symbol.
The second sound sets the theme, and is a vowel. It modifies the body of the symbol.
The third sound, if present, provides extra detail, and can be either. It is added to the symbol.

However, the terminology is always abstract, and can be interpreted in multiple ways. Some very interesting concepts and usage can arise from this.

Have, as a first example of a word, "Ya". It is composed of:
Y; whose name is "bright", and signifies knowledge or light. Pronounced as in the English word "yes"
A; whose name is "earth", and signifies firmness or foundation. Pronounced as in the English word "Car"


"Ya" then means "foundation of light or knowledge", which could be understood as intellect, mind, core argument, main light, sun. List goes on, both those are the relevant ones I can conceive.

If we then add the sound Ř, whose name is "power", and signifies great importance and authority, we get "Yař"...

Which would then signify something like "powerful center of light or knowledge", which I suppose literally means Sun, but one could also use it to mean the mind of a king, for example. Yař is the word that one would use to talk about the sun, since it is more precise than Ya.

Here we have three different words, and how they look.

As we saw, "Ya" could mean Intellect. "Ye" and "Yi" could mean Knowledge and Inspiration, respectively, based on the vowels that modified the main sound (Y).

The direct relationship between words of connected meaning can be explained in the form of word families, of which a single family is all the words that start with the same consonant-vowel pair. For example, here are a couple words of the family of Ye:

As Ye means knowledge, based on the third sound we can infer more detailed ideas:
Yee could mean exploration of new knowledge
Yeg could mean creation or invention by fruit of knowledge
Yei could mean teaching of knowledge to others
Yea could mean discovery of new knowledge; the result of Yee.​

One can theoretically make up words on the spot to express some complicated idea one wishes to tell. That is the intended usage. As I said, concepts are much more abstract in this language, and it is technically possible to know the meaning of a word without having ever heard it before. So far I have a very limited dictionary, though, with a list of words that one could use in a variety of situations. I have a lot more work to do in that aspect.

I succeeded in creating (or at least ideating) a language that is completely foreign to English or Spanish (my two languages). This is further seen with the grammar and usage of these words in actual sentences.

To be continued. I haven't drawn enough examples to keep explaining.
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Naeselkayegsell wirrnia

"I, Selka, creator of the universe, tell you the following"

Nae - The speaker, who is divine
Sel - Medium of worlds
Ka - Defense, fortitude
Yeg - Create, invent
Sell - All that exists
Wirr - To speak with authority
Nia - The listener, who is a sentient being

You guys wondering if I already went crazy or not? I certainly am
Ah we talked about this on steam. I missed/forgot that you'd made a thread about it. It does look very pretty to see written out.

Edit: I see lots of people are requesting. I already saw Sam, so I guess darthmorf or morf (whatever sounds nicer) would be cool to have.

you should translate story of a paladin into this.
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Ahhh yes, this is what you were explaining to me in Steam.

Just the huge amount of little details in this language would be enough for me to have said 'nope' at least 100 times by now, if I had to create my own. Which just makes this all the more special, because it's actually happening!
I'm sorry. I have been busy and haven't made the time to write and edit your few requests.

Here is something I made a while ago, though: A basic poem in samruxbabble. I hope a few of you are amused.


"Sia Thia
Yar Yath
Ve Be
Yer Yeth"

The general idea is as follows:
"The sky became the void,
The sun has shut down,
Life is a thing of the past,
The great minds have been emptied."

The dark theme is inspired by the stories I used to write back when I first tried to invent a language like this one.

  • Sia: Sky / Our own dimension
  • Thia: The void
  • Yar: Sun
  • Yath: Lamp that is shut down, conditional darkness
  • Ve: Life / Vital energy, powerful energy, mortal energy
  • Be: Past
  • Yer: Wisdom / Wise individual
  • Yeth: Not thinking / Dumbed down

Thank you guys for the nice comments!
What a fascinating language you've made here, Sam! Would you mind if I requested the following phrase?

"None shall speak of the Knave in Flame..."
Hi, me again. I hope you don't mind, but I simplified Samruxbabble slightly, by using the vowels and consonants to translate from english. But while doing this, I ran into the problem of not having "h". Do you mind if I create my own letters for them? Again, I will make sure you get the credit for it, and thanks for making this!
PS the letters look insane.
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You know, I used to have just my own language.
Except it was nowhere near as deep as Samruxbabble.
All it took to make a word for me was to think of some random sound. It followed similar rules to English and French.

(Oickayei, ia kanqi Samruxfrixx. O kanqi Amneideinan. Amneideinan wer joris b'hoist gu, lurr.)

So, yeah, thread very interesting! I likey, quovca daim.

I should stop speaking my old, dead language. :p
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