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  • Part of the reason I suck so much at Ranked is my impatience. If I waited for Roland or Tae or, boosted animal Arty to log on, I'd be aight.
    The MMR system is pretty much bollocks. You seem to crank up about 10 for a stomp win, but if you lose? -40.
    And that's when your KDA is about 4 compared to the rest of your team, sporting such magnificent figures as 0.86.
    What you got from hextech chests?
    I guess I lucked out. First three skin shards I randomed ended up turning into a Permanent Spirit Guard Udyr. Except, I don't play Udyr! The second round turned into the legacy Secret Agent MF. I've been holding onto a bunch of legendary skin shards besides. :p
    I also got some :red:in' summoner icon out of my latest opening -

    Nice i got only champions that i already like teemo and veigar, a trundle skin, and essence and project fiora icon
    I think the reason MOBAs are popular ain't for their general gameplay, but for the 1-in-100... the evenly-matched game straight to the wire.
    Base-races are bloody, bloody tense. That was a component of this game too, sort of. Our minions bailed us out at about 51 minutes, we had a relatively clumsy teamfight where both teams lost two but we'd lost more precious teammates. We probably would've stopped them from taking the Nexus but barely, we lucked out because our winions were trashing their base and they had to emergency B.
    Kendrick Lamar
    Kendrick Lamar
    hey you. you dirty league player. pm me ur ign.
    Long time no see, matey. And I don't need to pm that. It's: Listhart
    When I play League of Legends and I pick Zac...
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    I love Brood, but she is countered by so many heroes it's almost impossible to get a lineup in which she can shine, and even if she does, if your teammates are just idly farming all the time you're not going to get a single tower.

    However, Radiance Broodmother is one of the funniest games you can have.
    Yeah, that's so true hahaha. Both on her balance issues and what a laugh that bloody build is.
    I always saw Brood's identity as just the most dogged and obnoxious pusher going.

    She should devour objectives, and if someone comes to stop her - either be able to duel them or have the capability to escape. Well, her pushing got meganerfed, and so did her dueling. As for her escapes, if your opponent isn't the typical braindead pubbie and actually buys some dusts and sentry wards, ripperoni.
    You just don't have anywhere near enough bans in League for all the OP'd champs in patch 6.10. :(
    The first three are pretty good counterpicks, but Darius and Renek aren't much of a threat as: first, their players are used to being amazing lane bullies which oft leads them to commit all-in at Level 1 or 2; they lose horribly. They only start going even at Level 5. Sucks for them, they gotta snowball for a big impact later.

    That all said, I think Trundle's an even stronger Jungler than Top but he's great at both.
    All of them have counterpicks, all. However, they should really give 5 bans, allowing everyone to "get rid of that one guy..." since there are so many champions now compared to S2/S3, and you still just get 3 bans.
    "All of them have counterpicks, all except Swain." - FTFY :p
    Trundle on Ascension: Place pillar, walk off, watch assists roll in. They don't call him The Troll King for nothing.
    If I'll be truthful, I'm not a fan of that mode, too many rude trolls.
    And you're saying Trundle's one of them?! Das raycest!
    You understand now, my plight is now known to all, Trundle is OP.
    Last game, our Brand was the hero we didn't deserve - but the one we needed.
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    I can't actually remember if their Rengar was around, but the enemy team knew they almost certainly had it uncontested with four of them there and the rest of us spread out. Hell, I would've gone for the suicidal Slingshot Steal attempt except I was just too damn far away for it.
    That was probably the first step in one of the biggest enemy team throws I've so far come across. We got beyond savaged in laning - they had a heavy roaming assassination comp - Rengar, Katarina, Graves, Rumble 'support' and Tristana - and I'm certain we were 20 kills to 5 by 15 minutes, plus behind a few structures.
    I probably shouldn't express my disappointment at the enemy ballsing up, but they kept kill-hunting instead of driving their advantage home. We limped into the team phase, and by then with me as Zac it was far too easy to catch sight of; catch out one of them scurrying off to the side, seeking an avenue to assassinate. Then the rest of their team would jump just in time to all take a Brand Pyroclasm to the face. xD!
    Emma Watson and Richard Osman named in the Panama Papers - flippin' heck, it really is everyone. Who's next - Bob Geldof? Santa Claus?!
    Gettin' the :red: outta champ select - when you innocently pick Trundle Jungle; see you're with Jarvan 4 Mid, Wukong ADC and Riven Support.
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    I'm pretending i understand what you're talking about. :p
    Hmm, well... imagine you're bowling up to class as you do, and you see there's Charles Manson, Ian Brady and David Cameron perched on the row behind your seat, grinning at you. You're not gonna stick around and wait to see what happens.
    Actually, all of the Shuriman tales are baller. Rito's story-types really out-did themselves with this one, especially when compared to the rather disappointing changes to the Targon lore.
    I mean, Pantheon's new lore - he was shunned, so he went on a suicidal climb up Mount Targon and was rewarded with godlike new powers, a new destiny.

    Then Taric's new lore - he was shunned, so he went on a suicidal climb up... er, Mount Targon, and was rewarded with; er, godlike powers... and a new destiny.
    Most of the more recent lore has just been like, one paragraph and it was just sad to see the potential go to waste. I'm so glad they're actually writing lore again.
    Don't you think they buffed all of the underplayed mages simply because they were underplayed? They didn't need buffs and now the meta is horrid.
    am i the only one who builds malzahar ad jungle?
    No xD He's complete B.S as a Jungler, though AP's probably more effective.
    i still prefer ad though, it makes him a split-pusher that can destroy tower and champions fast.Also my only chest is from shaco support that i got rank s
    Actually glad that Shyvana got nerfed now, because were it not for that, I never would've found the most badass char ever - Trundle.
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    Trundle is a fast jungler and annoying on top of that ( put a rock in the middle and enemy is likely to flash away, use this when they waste their escape for better effect and more blockage ). Also he can build damage with some health and tankiness and still be tanky, tank/offtank Trundle is unkillable with his ult.
    Subjugate saves games, as well. If you're blind pick and someone's rolling say, Nasus, and your top laner does a dreadful job of stopping him doing Nasus things (or to be fair, they might have a not-exactly-domineering top laner like Zac or Malphite), Subjugate is about the only thing that can turn a stacked Nasus from a badass into a puppy dog; just like that.
    I generally see how the game's going before committing to a major item, but Trundle's the kind of champion where having a little bit of everything early helps out. Generally I'll get Stalker's, Bami's Cinder, Sheen and Boots of Swiftness as quickly as possible. This leaves you with so much freedom, either to go into Titanic Hydra if it's time to go clubbin' or Sunfire Cape, Spirit Visage if you're havin' problems.
    When you a Shyvana main and Patch 6.9 hits -
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    where you see the statics?
    op.gg was a bit dodgy for the first few days after patch but is now okay-ish, and gives you handy pointers on which builds see the greatest success on individual champions. However, I think the best site for champion pickrates, winrates and general statistics purely is champions.pickban.com , where this graph came from.
    League: man, Shyvana is the :red:.
    The enemy were doing Baron as a 5, I was last alive. I lurked in the bushes as they went about beating the big man down, then dived over the wall with my ult and smite-stole Baron. Even better, I triggered Burnout and Chilling Smited someone, Usain Bolting it away. Despite Yi and the rest's best efforts to sprint on me, I got back to my base alive. We won that game. :p
    Well, that was your fault not the champ's, lel.

    Not sure what you mean.

    In any case, smite-stealing is tough but not impossible, but it's the getting away with it that's truly tough. Probably Shaco, maybe Malphite or Tryndamere, they could get away with it. But aside from them, Shyvana's totally your best bet cruising it around with that awesome movespeed.
    League: playing Rengar is lots of fun, but I suck fairly badly with him. And, I just found what a mechanically intensive champ he is. Damn.
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    Haha yeah, his healing's pretty great! I'm yet to try him out Top though; Hell, I'm even more reluctant too=. See, Jungling Rengar... his ganks are way harder than you'd think, 'cause his Bola range is pretty crap and his bush jump is way less useful than it seems. Because when is the enemy liable to walk REALLY close to it, and have the brush unwarded?
    Top's even worse though because it looks to be really reliant in outplaying your opponent through brush. You need to get enough farm or feed to transition into a powerful assassin in the mid-lategame, but he's not a Fizz-esque assassin where you just mash that keyboard it seems. You need to pull off a specific key combo (including ravenous hydra) while you're jumping towards an opponent!
    The benefits of this are a more reliable execution of your Savagery, and Bola Strike hits in a cone when used in midair, apparently?! This tutt is just way too complex and secretive! C'mon Rito, I'm a simple man with an even simpler mind!

    If you're some pro 'Mr. Montage' guy though, he's great lol.

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