So I made this language / writing system for fun. I can "translate" something into it for you.


Santa Claus
Some info for the curious inside these two spoilers.
As a kid, I loved to make up alphabets with new symbols to play around with and encrypt secret notes. A week ago, as I looked back into my old papers and after having watched some videos on linguistics, I was inspired to, again, make a new "language" for fun. I started a few days ago and have been tuning it and perfecting it since. All with the sole intent of messing around, logically. And also drawing pretty symbols, because I love me some fancy symbols
By now I have it memorized (as in, I don't have to look up anything to know what to draw), but it still requires a lot of thinking. Writing something is more complicated than just going letter-to-letter from English.
So it's this writing system, but it isn't an alphabet. Honestly, I don't know what it is. Apparently it's like an abugida, in which there are symbols for consonants, and the vowels modify the consonant. We end up with a symbol for each syllable of 1-3 sounds, which resembles Korean, in a sense. A symbol per syllable is also what Japanese uses, and it also sometimes ends up sounding like it too. Honestly, to many people it'll all look like weird Chinese and you don't have to think too hard about it. Move on...

I don't know what to name it. Let's call it "samruxbabble" or "samruxspeak". But here's a placeholder title written in fancy samruxbabble. "Sebae":


Here's how the thing actually looks like written down:


"Unity, under gold and fire and black steel."


More examples (spoilered so that this doesn't get cluttered):
Random latin gibberish:

Dishout -> [diyhawt]|aWolfen -> [awolvhen]

TheQuietBisharp -> [dekayetbiyhar]|TheJollyPawniard -> [deyollyponiar]

If you want to see more, look on my comments on this thread.

As I'm still tweaking the last details, I need input. I'd be glad to write anything you want in samruxtalk for you; just ask.

Have a nice weekend, everyone.
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That looks amazing. It's very interesting to have a consistent fictional language. I wonder how my name would be written as.
That looks amazing. It's very interesting to have a consistent fictional language. I wonder how my name would be written as.
[aesir]. Since the language is phonetic, I figured your name might be pronounced as a-sir, and so here is also [eisir]. Drew it in a hurry; sorry if it's not too pretty-
This is great! Can you please translate the text below? It would be awesome.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vestibulum augue et tortor tincidunt, ac vulputate enim tempor. Proin id tincidunt massa, a rutrum quam. Ut ut scelerisque urna. Nulla et tempor leo. Suspendisse in magna malesuada, malesuada nibh sed, gravida arcu. Nam aliquam dui a odio laoreet, at aliquet lorem scelerisque. Curabitur laoreet tincidunt interdum. Vestibulum molestie, nibh at maximus scelerisque, tortor nunc mollis urna, eu mattis odio ex sit amet purus. In a tincidunt arcu, non accumsan diam. Fusce auctor velit eget fringilla luctus.

Ut pharetra fermentum porttitor. Donec id posuere eros. Proin odio arcu, eleifend nec velit nec, euismod sollicitudin leo. Mauris pellentesque velit in ullamcorper efficitur. Suspendisse accumsan hendrerit convallis. Aenean varius, justo nec volutpat ullamcorper, nibh lacus aliquam lorem, a accumsan turpis dolor nec turpis. Donec tincidunt ipsum vel velit placerat, at condimentum ipsum convallis. Fusce vestibulum, justo non porta congue, enim mauris iaculis risus, eget scelerisque dolor magna et leo. Suspendisse dui risus, malesuada sed aliquam at, scelerisque maximus nisl. Pellentesque sagittis lorem aliquam nisl consequat interdum. Cras est ex, pellentesque in neque sed, feugiat mollis massa. Suspendisse potenti. Nam molestie luctus turpis eu scelerisque. Fusce et maximus turpis. Sed at dolor sit amet erat dapibus sollicitudin quis a massa.

Aenean vehicula tellus ut urna posuere, et rhoncus nulla pellentesque. Nulla facilisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus pellentesque sapien quis mauris sodales, in congue nulla varius. Etiam venenatis viverra purus at imperdiet. Cras ornare nisi massa, eu cursus erat lobortis at. Maecenas eu ullamcorper est. Aenean vel dui sapien. Duis a risus bibendum, volutpat felis consectetur, interdum dui. Mauris ullamcorper sed nunc quis varius. Aliquam vitae condimentum lacus, nec laoreet urna. Vivamus tincidunt, sem eget lacinia dapibus, sem tortor consectetur odio, ut semper eros dolor sed dolor. Curabitur finibus mi vel aliquet tincidunt.

Vestibulum lectus nibh, ornare sit amet facilisis nec, tempus sed ex. Donec condimentum ac arcu ut tempus. Nam vulputate a erat eu tempor. Nullam at ex felis. Nam urna eros, egestas vitae semper non, pellentesque at mi. Quisque id finibus mi. Phasellus maximus nulla egestas, porta risus quis, accumsan nibh. Etiam tincidunt euismod varius. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit lorem, at convallis ex varius sed. Aenean vitae libero eu mi interdum euismod. Cras auctor diam et nulla consectetur, ut commodo leo feugiat. Suspendisse efficitur fringilla sapien sit amet auctor. Suspendisse eleifend varius ipsum. In purus nisi, placerat feugiat viverra varius, fringilla et enim.

Nulla et eros nec erat finibus consectetur eget vitae libero. Cras varius elit lectus, a auctor enim commodo nec. Morbi ex nulla, luctus ac tortor non, dignissim aliquam massa. Nulla feugiat vitae orci vel tincidunt. Donec vestibulum mauris neque, in malesuada urna dapibus vel. Vestibulum sed nisl massa. Curabitur posuere augue ac aliquam pharetra.

Haha, just joking. :p But I really want to see 'Squiro' translated into it!
This is fancy, and I enjoy fancy things. Being the mature person I am, can I request that you write "butts" in this fanciness? I'd fancy that

or my name, whatever you choose

Edit: I made the Jetstream one a little more packed together.
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This is an interesting language you've created. It is always fascinating to see new writing systems for different languages.

How might my name "Aurora" be written in this language?
Can I request two things? ((Asking in the post as more of a formality, since you know I've already asked you this))

I'd like to request that you write Boo and Yuyuko Saigyouji. The latter is pronounced as Yu-yu-ko Say-gyo-ji, just because that would probably help with the phonetic nature of the language.
This is an interesting language you've created. It is always fascinating to see new writing systems for different languages.
How might my name "Aurora" be written in this language?
Thank you.

"Aurora" literal [awrora]:|English pronunciation approximation [orrora]:
I like the literal more.

I'd like to request that you write Boo and Yuyuko Saigyouji. The latter is pronounced as Yu-yu-ko Say-gyo-ji, just because that would probably help with the phonetic nature of the language.



Edit: square

I enjoy making these.
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Ooh, this is pretty cool. c:
I'd like to request a blood-red one, saying:
"Mercy is just a word."

And if I'm allowed to request a second one, then I want one just simply saying:
(Also blood-red color.)

Hope you can do them! ;)
For a phrase, I'd like the "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Nietzsche quote.
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