Poetry Slow Declipse (a Collection of Marvelous Poems)


A lone armless figure trapped under an ancient wrath... a time traveler who couldn't achieve what he had gone back for... a magnificant democracy engulfed in flames... an open book with censored words... a search for God that led the seeker defeated by ignorance and darkness... a baby boy without a heart discarded due to his grotesque appearance... a machine that controls your mediocre existence... and a dark city surrounded by a looming wall... all contained within... Slow Declipse.

This music box...
With many locks, and countless knobs...
These melodies play on its strings.
They're nightmares that contain my dreams.

This music box...
A proud disease,
Cannot sustain my faulty sleep.
If I thunder down the walls,
Within another structure stalls.

O' music box!
Open enclosure that can't release!
Calming madness in a silent stream...
Lined with boulders in a storming breeze!

Collect my thoughts!
Within this music box...
An open sea, yet no sea released.
It tempts me with its pounding waves,
Arrests me, I can hear but I must see.

I am trapped, and just this box can set me free!
Father, take the body and leave it to drown.
The paths I built are deadly to cross.
This form is raw, these arms are gone,
My face is lost, what can I pray upon?
The windows shut, I cannot go,
Within this self I cannot hold.
Without this form, my panic stilled...
Why trapped with so much sky unfilled?
Tell this box to let me through.
Make it sing me a song that will lift the bars and set my ideas free to roam outside this room.

I want to plant a chaos seed.
I wish it to sprout a wonderful tree with clockwork leaves,
To leave in the sphere to watch from my chariot seat.
A part of me became a fiend.
A treasurer that left my sleeves,
To find the shiny end to all his dreams.

The flying of his lash upon the sphere
Has caused my own to go numb.

Twisted fingers wilting in the sun.
Prying apart the singing Son of Heads,
With all his bleeding life,
He was found dead.

A proud disease was born a sheep.
Guided by a shepherd's hand
To show its face across the desert sand
Until he dropped the leash.
Wild poison spilled upon the civil streets.
A proud disease indeed forgot its home,
Attacked its cherished shelves...
Inflicting flames upon its tomes.

A child swore to slay the host.
But his ageless mind has grown old,
And shapeless face has new hope...

This world he's always known with costly stones lay buried now beneath the singing strings,
And under the sea within these winding keys!
Leaving my steely prayers opposed!

This world I've always known lay tarnished under a toxic pearly gate!
These songs I've come to hold corrupted by this poisoned shape,
As stillness kills, I must escape!

My armless form enclosed,
As my skyward craft arose...

This music box aglow with hate!
Screaming a tune to fix my broken fate!
I am contained.

This music box,
That beat my rocket tame.
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