tAPI The dimensions book (create custom dimensions and more!)


Official Terrarian
hello everyone,

This mod will change everything in terraria, it allow to the the player to create custom dimension (like mysthcraft) and even more. The mod is developed by Notch (leader of the project), TheGamingBoffin and Exeton. It have unique Gui and you can do everything with just a simple dimensions. If you know what is mystcraft skip the next line.

Like I say, dimensions book is based on mystcraft (minecraft), it allow to the player to create custom dimension with the biome thar spawn and even the type of block!

so it will work like that:
biome section
-snow biome
mod integration
-meteoridon (apocalypse mod)
-apocalypse biome (apocalypse mod)
Gen tweak section
-abandoned house
-abandoned ice house
-lizhard temple
-floating island
-crimson lair
-corruption hole
-mushroom biome
mod integration
-biome shrine (apocalypse mod)
-Ruins (apocalypse mod)
more in future
World control section
-eternal day
--eternal solar eclipse
mod integration
--eternal hostile sun (notch moon addon) (not implemented yet)
-eternal night
--eternal blood moon
--eternal frost moon
--eternal pumpkin moon
mod integration
--eternal slime moon (apocalypse mod)
--eternal peace moon (terramineral)
--eternal apocalypse moon (notch moon addon)
world mod control
mod integration:
-elemental unleash (bluemagic end game extension)
-apocalypse mode (apocalypse mod)
note: they both need hardmode to be trigger before

it still W.I.P and a release can take a lot of time, the features mentioned is not limited to that, but it will be amazing and change everything!

Thank to read that and support!
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I added world control section, it allow to choose eternal day (eternal eclipse and mod integration), eternal night (eternal frost, blood, pumpkin and some mod integrated) and world mode control (hardmode and some mod integration)
This sounds cool. Maybe you could add in the option to boost greatly the chances for special events to occur? e.g you can choose for there to be a 50% chance every day for there to be a goblin army.

(Rather than simply boosting the chances of events, maybe let the player choose the chances for each event to happen?)
This sounds cool. Maybe you could add in the option to boost greatly the chances for special events to occur? e.g you can choose for there to be a 50% chance every day for there to be a goblin army.

(Rather than simply boosting the chances of events, maybe let the player choose the chances for each event to happen?)
yeah it possible and actually, it a better idea than what I plan (only goblin army mob spawn or pirate invasion mob)
you know what is mysthcraft? the minecraft mod that make the player be able to create dimensions, it will work like that but you already have the page.
the progress of tapi version is stopped because we will include it in terraria ultimate (not ulterraria it totally different)
also, How do/did you plan to make this work in terms of code? ( i haven't seen a mod that allows you to travel to different dimensions)
boffin found a way to creates dimensions, and exeton know how to create interface, I say to them what to do, the option, how it look and everything. There will be multiple book with your dimensions and different book for multiple dimensions. you will need a book stand to
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