The Terra Code


Skeletron Prime
First thing to mention: this is a story about BEFORE the world of terraria was created.
Second of all the progression is completely different from normal which will become apparent
and third, there are other "players" (or humans with access to any weapon thy want) and no "NPC's"
this is my first story on the forums, and please no hate comments.
I will post irregularily so don't expect me to post every day
thanks and enjoy

Chapter One

There was once two brothers
nothing more nothing less
one, always inferior named Moon Lord
one, the superior, named Cthulhu
he created being called "humans"
then he sat back to watch them evolve, grow and survive
but after awhile his heart grew evil
he got bored and tired
and one day, although his brother tried to stop him,
he introduced beasts to destroy the humans
but they were resilient and did not go
and one day a warrior great, will rise up to defeat him
restore order and create progression
and remake the world of Terra into something new
and their name is ......................

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Chapter 2
Cora woke up thinking about it, she just couldn't keep it out of her head. What did the code mean, who was this mysterious person it told of?
She got out of bed, expecting another day out working, toiling for barley anything, but when she got to the bottom of the stairs she did a double-take.
In the kitchen, right there were two men dressed in black. They didn't see her so she ducked back behind the door frame, got her weapons out from her bed along with her gauntlet, the only remnant of her father left, and her most precious thing. She didn't know whether she was going to survive the next few
minutes, and wanted to give herself the best chance she got. At the bottom of the stairs, she saw that the two men were searching for something, probably
coins. She stayed silent and threw the throwing knife quickly and quietly. One of the thieves cried out in agony, twisted and fell.
the other span round, but she was already gone. The thief didn't see her until he felt the cold, hard edge of a copper short sword against his neck.
"get out or die" she whispered menacingly, when in truth she was the most nervous she'd ever been. She led them both outside as the other their would rather risk never coming back than his partner's life, but Cora soon found out that they were fooling her. One of the thieves had snuck up behind her, and slashed at her hand, and she let go of the first thief.
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Before we go on let me just explain how the weapons work
firstly they behave as in real life, a cobalt repeater will be just as strong as a hallowed one.
but reforges are what makes things special. Rarer substances have more, let's say magic potential.
If you forge them right, they could have the potential to be much stronger than common materials.
But, as the process of using this "magical potential" is extremely difficult and costly, it's hardly ever done.
so to recap, a weapon made of rarer material will have more potential than a common one, but it's almost never used
and so the weapons are mostly the same.

Chapter 3

The thief lunged on her but she jerked away just in time, as his sword swung by.
He kept swiping with his sword, but her father had been a warrior, and she had done a lot of training with him, and so the two thieves, one of which was injured stood little chance. She dodges and ducked, slashed and thrust. She was as agile as a cat and her sword wad a blur. Before long the two intruders were on the ground panting,and hurt. By now people had rushed to see what the commotion was. The thieves fled into the crowd, but she wasn't bothered as they would never come back on risk of being recognized. As she scooped up all her coins the crowd slowly trickled away, and as she turned to go back inside, an old man stopped her. He had a grey beard and hair, with blue eyes, and wore red and blue clothes, with a cape and a hat and he had an air of authority around him. When he spoke he did so softly, and with little accent. "You are a formidable fighter", "yes my father taught me" Cora said as she tried to brush him aside. "Here he said take this", he handed me a red potion and said "it's for your hand". I suspiciously took it, and drank. Instantly my hand felt better, as the fresh wound healed before my eyes. I hadn't recognized it, but realized that it must be a healing potion. "thank you" I said, and turned to walk away, when he suddenly said "what's your name?" "Cora" I replied. His eyes widened in shock, excitement, and was that fear?
It only lasted a millisecond, but I saw it clearly enough. "You must come with me" he said urgently.
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Okay I guess i should also clear this up.
you know how this is set in the past as some sort of terraria prequel right?
so all the characters are actually "player" characters and not NPC's
This is for people who didn't know
Chapter 4
"Wait, what". "Come I will explain" he said again, but Cora was already turning away. He caught hold of her shoulder and whispered "your fighting skills are amazing, I've been looking for someone like you". "Why?" Cora asked, "well we are a huge organisation, devoted to raising heroes and performing daring adventures". She was intrigued, but not convinced yet. "Oh, and most of all to making The Code come true and fulfilling it's promises.
At that moment, she was hooked. Someone who knew about The Code, amazing! Someone who could make her a part of The Code, even better!
"Ok she said, when do I start"

by the way sorry for the short chapter, I like to leave each chapter off on kind of a cliff hanger or something like that.
New thing i've decided-If you comment and leave a vanity set you always use, or you have a terraria-related avatar, I might put you in the story with your name (or at least a simplified version if it doesn't sound like a good name/nickname)
there might be some times for you to vote too! (at least if more people start reading/commenting on it)
I really want people to be able to have at least a little bit of say in this.
Chapter 5
Cora came out of the house, carrying her most valuable possessions. The old man scanned over them, looking at each one closely.
He looked up when he saw my father's gauntlet and said "do you know what it does??" "uh, no", "It's a magic fire gauntlet", "wait I never saw any fire!?"
you just need to want it to do it". The old man then simply put it on, and it enveloped is fist in fire. Cora jumped back in fright, but he old man calmly told her "relax, it's harmless to me, it only does damage to your enemies, anyway we need to go,". Cora turned back on her lonely, little village, she would miss it, but had the feeling she would forget it once her new adventure started. They traveled across the plains, occasionally stopping for drinking and eating. On the way, the old man (he had introduced himself as Graham), talked to her about magic, and what his organisation or school did. I was nighttime when it came. "and so we teach people to fight, do missions so we can gather materials, rescue people, fight Cthulhu's beasts, but most of all we try
andfindthechosenone..." "what's going on?" Cora asked as Graham's
voice died away. "You might want to take this" Graham said.
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Chapter 6
The massive cloud loomed above them. She couldn't quite see what it was, but she'd have to wait until it got closer. She turned to Graham, and took the sword he was offering. The blade was smooth and sharp, and he hurriedly explained that it was a Katana, and ancient weapon that ninjas used. She swung it around experimentally, marveling at the shine and light weight of it, forgetting the ominous shadow that passed over them. "Watch out!" a voice that wasn't Graham's called out. An arrow went whistling into the air, and as she turned to look at the beast, she gasped. Right there was a giant floating eyeball! (Yes, I know you all knew it was coming). She pulled out her gauntlet, fixed it onto her arm, and it burst into flame when she thought about it, Graham was right!. She ran at the eye, dodging as it spit out other eyeballs, much smaller than the other. The Katana's blade was flaming, and as it sliced through the giant monster, it gave an almighty shriek. An arrow whistled over her shoulder, and she turned to look where it came from. There was a young man there, dressed in blue pants and a turquoise top. He wielded a wooden bow, and was shooting out arrows at an extremely fast rate. WHAM, she was sent flying, winded by the great eye.
She refocused on the battle, and ran at it once again. She swiped, swiped again and dodged it's attacks, slicing through mini-eyes as she went. When the eye started spinning, she thought it was over, and turned her back, but Graham shouted "TURN AROUND", but she was too slow, and the giant beast knocked her to the ground once again. This time, it was harder to get up, but between her Katana swipes, and the strange man's arrows, the eye was weakened, and looked as if it was about to die. As she took the final sweep, it exploded into blood and gore, leaving her standing there, panting, covered in blood.
Still interested for now, and if possible, try to separate each dialogue by lines instead of just spaces so that we can easily identify who is speaking.

By the way, my character has a necro helmet dyed silver, fossil plate and fossil greaves. (You can just take my character's name from my username, ;))
Chapter 7
As they walked along, they talked together, and gazed up at the beautiful pattern of stars. Graham had been talking with Ryan (the new guy) and just as Cora
had suspected, Graham said "Ryan here has decided to join us"
"yeah, it seemed like I would actually have a purpose in life instead of working away at my farm" Ryan confessed.
"Yeah me too" Cora agreed, "I kind of hated my work at the merchant's store.
Ryan was hard to talk to at the start, but he seemed to get more confident as they walked on.
Finally Graham stopped them."It's tome to rest tonight, tomorrow we will arrive at headquarters, where you two will start to train.
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Chapter 8
Cora gazed up at the massive structure with awe.
The intricate marble columns rose up in front of her, towering over all three of them.
there was a giant fountain in the middle of a garden, and the whole building was st up like a university campus.
Graham walked them around, until they got to the biggest building of them all.
"Here is where every one sleeps and lives outside of training, so I guess I'll show you your rooms"
They walked down a corridor and arrived at two rooms.
"Uh so I guess I'll leave you to it" Graham said before walking off.
"Cool, we got rooms next to each other" Ryan said shyly, as he opened the door.
Cora gasped as she opened the door, as her room was all marble, and with lots of furniture, and a soft and comfy bed.
There was a steaming plate of Pad Thai next to it, so she sat down to eat.
Before we start, All that's come before is just the kind of introduction, introducing some main character, backstories etc, so from now on it will get more exiting, less boring and I will have an opportunity to show of my amazingly funny sense of humour
Chapter 9
Cora walked nervously into the training room room. There were only a couple of people there, including a fierce looking warrior, with what looked like a skull on top of his head, and a chest piece made of bones (yes @DarkMarowak here you are as promised). She sidled up next to him and he took off his skull-thing. He looked foreign and ?"different, and she thought he might not know any English so she said "hello, uh.. Me Cora- who you"
He stared at her strangely and raised one eyebrow before replying "I can speak English well, i assume you think i don't?".
"Uh sorry" Cora said sheepishly
"it's ok, anyway my name is Dark Hawk, my name is so strange because, yes I do come from a tribe, and plenty of people make the mistake you did"
"Hello trainees, my name is Graham for those of you who don't know and I will be teaching you to become warriors of The Order Of The Code".
Everyone fell silent as they listened to him.
"You are going to be taught in magic and weapon skills, and you will have plenty of time to develop your Identity"
Graham had talked about This on there way, he had said that everyone had their own identity, and it was what magic you used, what weapons and armor you used and what you looked like, and everyone's was different from person to person.
"Firstly we ar going to do some weapon training, and I see each of you have a weapon that you have chosen to use, and brought along.
Cora had her Katana, which Graham had let her keep, and Ryan had his bow.
"my assistants will train each of you in pairs, Ryan and Cora, I will be training you".

Chapter 10
Cora was exhausted by the time the training had finished. Everyone had done well, but for some reason Graham had paid particular attention to her. Maybe her training with her father made her a better fighter, she didn't know. When she flopped down on her bed, there was a note on her bed. "meet me in training room 5 after lunch, bring your weapons, Ryan will be there too, Graham". She sat there puzzled, until she realized it must be individual training.
The afternoon rolled around, and she walked up to a door, that said training room 5, and opened the door. The room was significantly smaller than the other room, and there were target dummies at the end of the room. Graham and Ryan were already there. Ryan waved shyly, so she walked over to them.
Graham told her that here, every day after lunch, they were going to be practicing magic, but first he had to explain how it worked.
Over the next half-hour Cora learned a lot about identities and magic.
Graham had said that magic was an integral part of weapons (Author's note, I have already explained this to you),
how everyone had different identities, how magic weapons greatly decreased you usage of magic, and channeled it into projectiles,
and most interestingly of all, how you can use it WITHOUT magic weapons. He had said that, you could only use it in the way your identity works,
for example, an ice magic user could freeze his enemies, but i was very dangerous, and consumed a lot of magic.
Finally, when he stopped explaining, he said "Cora, let's start with you, and since you have that fire gauntlet, I want you to use this."
He handed her a flower, made of colored, transparent material, which she thought might be crystal.
As soon as she held it, she could feel energy pulsing from it. She thrust it forward, but nothing happened.
Puzzled, she turned to Graham, who told her "you need to focus and search your mind to find your magic.
Cora thought as hard as she could, and found a strange wall in her mind. She went through it, and concentrated as hard as she could.
She thrust the flower forward again, but instead this time, fire rocketed out of it and hit a dummy, which caught on fire, but was soon put out.
Cora stared in amazement, as she had never used magic before.
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