Short Story War of the Six Biomes (Fan Fiction)

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Brain of Cthulhu
So guys, welcome to my Fan Fiction! So, this idea came to me after watching The Battle of the Five Armies. Hope you guys like it!

The humans of the forest have just found the biggest treasure in all of Terraria. A room filled with uncountable riches. You have just helped find the loot. Now, you look up the hole. Sunlight mixes with the torchlight in the cave. You hear feet shuffling behind you and turn around. Loki and Jack, the pirate, are carrying a large chest full of riches.

“How much is there?” You ask.

Loki shakes his head, smiling, “More than enough. Dozens of stacks or ores.”

You smile, then look up. You unfold your wings, “Will you guys need any more help bringing it up?”

Jack shakes his head, “We aren’t going to bringing all of the treasure up at once, mate. This is all for now.”

You nod, then fly out of the cave. The light of the surface takes a couple seconds to get used to, but when your eyes adjust, you quickly run over to the castle. It’s iron walls gleam in the daylight. You walk inside, greeted by Cenx and Redigit.

“So, how much are they bringing up?” Cenx asks you.

“Just a chest full,” You reply.

“That will still probably be a lot,” Redigit replies.

“Yes,” Cenx frowns, “It certainly will be. It makes me worried, though.”

You look at her, “Why is that?”

“Because others might want it,” She says.

“You mean humans? Why would they want it? We’re already giving everyone a piece of the treasure.”

“No,” Redigit says. “She mean creatures from other biomes.”

Deep in the purple ebonstone caves of the Corruption, monsters were discussing that exact same thing.

The Eater of Worlds lets out a series of roars, meaning in Terrarian; “We must attack the humans before they start using the ores for weapons and armor.”

The Brain of Cthulhu’s telepathetic voice rings out, “No! We must attack when they least expect it.”

The Eater of Worlds roars, “And that would be now!”

There was a pause, then The Brain of Cthulhu speaks, “Fine. But we must prepare ourselves before we go about attacking.”

“You are correct. Wait a moment. How will we attack? They have hardmode gear. They could easily destroy us.”

“No worries, comrade. I have captured a human and a goblin. I’ve forced them to create us mechanical armor.”

“Excellent. Go grab your armies. We will attack tomorrow.”

“You’re excited for this, aren’t you?”

The Eater of Worlds begins to head lower in the caves, “Why shouldn’t I be?”

The Brain of Cthulhu lets out a quiet, telepathetic chuckle. It then turned back and headed through a cave that would lead it into the wasteland of the Crimson.

Night begins to fall upon the land. The moon rises into the sky. It casts a beautiful light between through the trees. But the light is more frightening than beautiful, as it was a shade of red. Some humans gather upon the balcony of the fortress, including you.

“Of course,” Skiphs says, “Of all nights, there had to be a blood moon on this one.”

“Oh, don't be so worried,” Loki says, “We’ll be fine. The only monsters we’ll have to worry about are Clowns. And even then, they’ll probably be dead by the time they enter our line of sight.”

You know this, but for some reason you still feel worried. Mortimer comes up to you.

“You’re feeling stressed or worried, aren’t you?” He asks.

“How’d you guess?” You ask.

“Eh, it’s that’s normal during a blood moon. Or if anything bad is going to happen,”

You glare at him and say sarcastically, “Well, that last bit definitely helps.”

He shrugs, “Well, it’s true.” He then walks away. You begin to wonder if something bad is going to happen. Cenx was definitely worried about being attacked. You look into the sky. You notice a dark spot against the sky, which is growing bigger. You instinctively grab your Terrablade and swing it. A green beam flies from it and hits the spot. It moves back, but then comes again. The others notice what’s going on, and within seconds, spells, arrows, and bullets fly towards the creature. It’s remains hit the ground.

“Guys, it was just a Wandering Eye,” You say.

The others mumble something, then get back to their conversation.

The sun rises, and monsters began to flee. A few brave humans fire at them, but then give up the attempt. A couple of people begin going to retrieve more of the treasure. Already people have new sets of armor, but you stick with your Chlorophyte armor. The land seems peaceful, but the a roar sounds in the distance. You quickly rush to the window of the fortress to see what is going on. You can make out the outlines of creatures in the distance. And there are hundreds of them.

You ask Heather, the nurse, “Have you seen Cenx and Redigit?”

“Yes, they are on the balcony. Now leave me alone, I have a lot of people to tend to,” Heather replies.

You rush to the balcony. Cenx, Redigit, and a few other humans are looking at the creatures.

“What is going on?” You ask.

One of the humans, Yoraiz0r, responds, “The Corruption and Crimson are attacking.”

You gasp and grip the handle of your Terrablade, “And they’re attacking us for the treasure I presume?”

Cenx nods, “And we need to defend it at all costs.”

You nod, the stop, “Wait, why would they want it?”

“They could use it to create armor,” Skiphs says, “You see, they captured Minerva, the steampunker, and Knub, the goblin tinkerer.”

You frown, worried, “Then let’s make sure they don’t take the treasure.”

Boften, the demolitionist, shouted, “Yeah! Let’s show these monsters what they came for!”

Redigit nodded, “You’re right. Alright, I want at least sixty-percent of our people out on the ground. Then thirty-percent conducting long-range attacks from the roof and balconies. Then ten-percent guarding the treasure. That ten-percent can also fire through holes in the walls.”

The group nods, then almost everybody begins to rush to the battlefield. You begin to move, but Cenx tells you to stop.

“I want you to stay up here with Redigit, Loki, and I,” She says. You nod. The army begins to close in.

The army of monsters reaches the fortress at an alarming speed. Spells fly from the roof, ripping Eaters, Corruptors, Crimeras, and Slimers in half. The humans on the ground send beams flying from their blades. All sorts of weapons are flying. Hordes of bullets and arrows rain down upon the monsters. Even though it feels like the humans are winning, there seems to be no end to the monsters. Coins and other drops soon begin covering the ground. But another thing begins covering the ground. The ground is purple with corruption. The Corruptors’ attacks are beginning to hit the ground. You quickly realize what this means.

You shout over the sound of battle, “Guys! This wave isn’t meant for getting the treasure. They are trying to Corrupt the area near our fortress!”

Cenx gasps, “And we don’t have any Clentaminators because they kidnapped Minerva!”

“Well, we do have Holy Water!” Redigit shouts, “But I know that we don’t want the Hallow spreading.” He fires more rounds from his S. D. M. G. You fire more Demon Sickles and Cenx shoots beams from her Shadowbeam staff. You begin to worry about running out of ammo or ammunition. Even though you could get more bullets from Andre, the arms dealer, and regain mana over time, you are still worried. You think that if the humans were to just lose one person, the monsters would gain the upperhand. And it begins to seem like the humans on the ground were running out of health. You shoot more Demon Sickles. It didn’t seem like this battle is going anywhere.

While the battle raged overhead, deep in the Dungeon, creatures are discussing the treasure as well. Skeletron is talking with the Dungeon Guardian. Many Skeletons stand around listening to their conversation.

“We should attack while the battle is raging,” Skeletron says.

“Yes, they won’t suspect it,” Dungeon Guardian says, “But how will you survive? The humans are too powerful. They’ll destroy you. No offense.”

A girl shouts from deeper in the dungeon. Skeletron looks in that direction, “I think I know how I could become stronger.”

Creatures in another dungeon, the Lihzahrd Temple, are talking as well. Golem is talking with one of the strongest Lihzahrds.

“Do you suppose we should attack?” the Lihzahrd asks.

Golem nods, “Of course. Soon enough, they’ll discover the secret of our temple. We’ll take this as the chance to destroy the humans as well as become stronger.” Suddenly a Flying Snake flies into the room.

“What is it?” the Lihzahrd asks.

“I’ve heard that the Skeletons from the Dungeon are planning to attack as well,” the Flying Snake replies, “What should we do?”

“Offer to make a temporary alliance with them,” Golem replies, “This way we’ll have a better chance of destroying the humans.” The Flying Snake nods then flies out of the room.

“One final thing,” the Lihzahrd says as it begins to leave as well, “What about the Corruption and Crimson?”

“If they’re smart enough, they’ll stay away from the Jungle. They know that we can destroy them. Oh, and while you’re leaving, go grab the protector of this temple.” The Lihzahrd nods then runs out of the room.

The battle is still raging. Quite a few of the rangers have been helping out the meleers by healing them. You look around. You notice that the battle is beginning to lighten up. The ground is heavily populated with the remains of monsters and couple dead humans. It seems like the attack is beginning to lighten up. Right as that thought enters your head, a roar sounds in the distance. Instantly Devourers and World Feeders burst out of the ground. You hear multiple people swear. You hear something strange. You look below the balcony and see multiple Blood Crawlers climbing up the side of the fortress.

“Guys!” You shout. Cenx and Redigit rush over and see the Blood Crawlers. Quickly Redigt takes out his S. D. M. G., but you already are firing Demon Sickles at the Blood Crawlers. Then, you hear another roar. But it was in know way the same one that you’ve been hearing for the Corruption and Crimson attacks. You look past the monsters and see Skeletons in the distance.

“Guys!” Loki yells, “You should come see this.” You and the others follow him to the other side of fortress. There is an army of Lihzahrds and to large shapes. You quickly realize that those two shapes are Gollem and Plantera. Cenx swears.

“Okay,” Redigit says, “Get some of our best fighters over there.” Loki nods goes down the platforms. You are about to hurry down with him when a couple more roars sound from the other side. You run to back to that side. Rising out of the ground are the Destroyer and another mechanical creature. The creature somehow makes your entire body go numb. You notice that metal orbs are spawning around the creature.

“What the heck is that?” You shout.

“I never thought it was possible,” Cenx mutters.

“That’s the Motherboard!” Redigit shouts, “Somebody created the idea for it. How the Crimson managed to create it, I have no idea!” Behind the two monsters is Skeletron Prime. All of the bosses are charging at you. Suddenly you see a flash of light. An army of Pixies, Gastropods, Chaos Elementals, and Enchanted Swords have appeared in front of the fortress.

“We are here to help you!” A Pixie says with its telepathic voice. And then the bosses reach the fortress.

The Destroyer crashes into the fortress, moving through the blocks. Probes and the mechanical orbs, Signal Drones, soon populate the battlefield. The Motherboard teleports around an shoots lasers. The lasers connect to the Signal Drones, making the lasers damage multiple humans and Hallow creatures. You hear the sound of humans fighting Plantera and Golem. You are fighting the Destroyer. The Destroyer also seems to be primarily targeting you. But then you realize that’s not true, as the Destroyer is probably targeting Cenx and Redigit, as they are fighting next to you and are more important than you. You continue swinging you Terrablade. You notice Cenx taking out a pink sword. When she swings it, rainbows fly from it. You also notice Redigit rapidly shooting lasers from some sort of machinegun. You notice the Destroyer speeding up, meaning that it is losing more health. You hear a crash from outside, so you assume that Skeletron Prime or the Motherboard has been destroyed. But then suddenly you feel a cord wrap around you. At the end of a cord is a metal mouth. It bites onto you. Thankfully though, your Starcloak rains down stars, making the creature stop clamping onto you. You fight the cord and look back, noticing that the Motherboard is indeed halfway dead. But then, something shocking happens. Literally shocking. The Destroyer and Motherboard let loose a shower of sparks, then gain even more speed. It also seems like the Motherboard has more health then it just had. You frown. What is going on? A storm of beams fly past you into the Destroyer. You continue to fight it, but then you get hit in the back by something. You turn around to see multiple Corruptors moving in on you You quickly switch to your Demon Scythe and blast the Corruptors. You duck as something swipes over your head. You see that it is the Prime Saw. You attack it with your Demon Scythe. You begin to destroy it when you hear screaming from outside. You see the Dungeon Guardian rolling around, ripping humans to shreds. You quickly realize how you can defeat him. You run out and fight Skeletron Prime. Skeletron Prime looms over you, all of his arms pointed at you. As the Prime Saw and Prime Vice move in, you launch Demon Sickles, then move in on Skeletron Prime. You continue fighting him. You hear a roaring from behind you and fly up. Dungeon Guardian roles beneath you. You continue dodging Dungeon Guardian and fighting Skeletron Prime, then after what seems like forever his skull begins spinning rapidly. You move around. You get up very close to Skeletron Prime when you hear a roaring behind you. You fly up as Dungeon Guardian smashes into Skeletron Prime. They quickly both are ripped to shreds. You glance behind you after you pick up the Bone Key. It doesn’t seem like the other boss fights are going to end. But you know how to end this. The way that you kill Dungeon Guardian and Skeletron Prime gives you an idea. You take out a Teleportation Potion. You use it and go to the ocean. You take out your Golden Fishing rod and attach a Truffle Worm to it. You cast it into the ocean. Within seconds, Duke Fishron rises out of the water.

He roars, which translated into Terrarian is; “Why do you awaken me?”

“Well,” You reply. You wonder why he isn’t attacking you, “You see, the human’s fortress is being attacked, and I was wondering if you could help stop it.”

“What’s in it for me?” Fishron asks.

“Well, the reason why we’re being attacked is because we have found some treasure. You could a share if you help us.”

The boss is silent for a moment, as if considering it. Then he speaks, “Fine. I will help you.”

“Great,” You say. You use a Teleportation Potion and go back home. The battle is still raging, as the Destroyer and Motherboard have not yet been defeated. But Plantera’s remains populate a part of the battlefield. Quickly, a sharknado hits the Motherboard. A lot of the humans gasp as they look at Duke Fishron.

The boss roars, “Corruption, Crimson, Dungeon, Lihzahrd Temple, and Hallow-”

“The Hallow is helping!” You call out”

Fishron glares at you, “Alright. I want all of you, not the Hallow, to leave, before we rip you to shreds.”

“We?” Cenx asks.

“Yes,” Fishron replies. As he says that, the Pumpking and Ice Queen spawn besides him. Once again, multiple people gasp.

The Destroyer leans up and roars at Fishron, “What gives you permission to stop this battle?”

Fishron shoots a Cthulhunado at the Destroyer, “What gives you the permission to start it?”

The Destroyer and Motherboard stare at the trio of bosses, then leave. Gollem leaves silently. The rest of the other creatures, even the creatures of the Hallow, leave. And so do the three bosses. There is a long period of silence, then somebody cheers. You are the one who cheers. And then the rest of the humans pick up the cheer. Then you realize something. Duke Fishron didn’t ask the humans for the treasure.

So, that's it! Motherboard was created by @Zoomo. If anybody wants to edit this, you can do so.
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Wow, wonder if there will be a part 2? Y'know, return of the destroyer etc, the last chapter was abit of a slab but it was still intriguing and gripping till the end
I love this story. But I found a few (a lot) of typos.
“We must attack the humans before they start using the armor for weapons and armor.”
It shouldn't be "armor for weapons and armor", maybe materials?
You this, but for some reason you still feel worried.
"You this" Doesn't make sense...
You shoot more Demon Sickles.
I think that's supposed to be Death Sickles or Demon Scythes.
Gollem is talking with one of the strongest Lihzahrds.
It should be Golem, 1 L.
Gollem nods, “Of course.
Same as above.
You quickly realize that those two shapes are Gollem and Plantera.
Same as above.
You hear the sound of humans fighting Plantera and Gollem.
Same as above.
You continue dodging Dungeon Guardian and fighting Skeletron Prime, then after what seems like forever his skull begins rapidly.
"his skull begins rapidly" what?

I still absolutely love this story. I love how you added @Zoomo's suggestion and the developers.
I love this story. But I found a few (a lot) of typos.

It shouldn't be "armor for weapons and armor", maybe materials?

"You this" Doesn't make sense...

I think that's supposed to be Death Sickles or Demon Scythes.

It should be Golem, 1 L.

Same as above.

Same as above.

Same as above.

"his skull begins rapidly" what?

I still absolutely love this story. I love how you added @Zoomo's suggestion and the developers.
No story is without mistakes but I do agree especially with the rapid skulls one
Just one question if the player has a terra blade why is he using a demon scythe. Answer either A) B) or C)

A) because it's awesome

B) because the demon scythe was the most powerful ranged weapon he had

C) because the terra blade was a gift

D) other
I liked it however there was a distinct lack of vocabulary diversity. I noticed that there was a substantial bit of filler but that was more than made up with flavor text. Overall good story.
Your welcome. I mean his skull begins rapidly doing what?
Ohhhhhhh. Okay, yeah. I'm dumb.

Just one question if the player has a terra blade why is he using a demon scythe. Answer either A) B) or C)

A) because it's awesome

B) because the demon scythe was the most powerful ranged weapon he had

C) because the terra blade was a gift

D) other
Hmm, probably B. I didn't mention any other weapons he/she had, did I?
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