Standalone [1.3] tModLoader - A Modding API

When I first opened my terraria, it was the normal terraria. So I went to my files and opened tModLoader, and it went to this black scream with a bunch of code, with all the mods and my worlds, at the bottom it said 'Choose World' I could type in it and press enter, so I entered one f my world names and pressed enter, and it just went down but I could till see the worlds and the 'Choose World' option. I don't understand what is happening!
You clicked on the tmodloader server file
Guys please keep in mind the mod browser is ran by @jopojelly , so don't bother asking @bluemagic123 every time. It has had several issues in the past, and I'm not surprised it has again. Just keep telling authors to not fully rely on just the mod browser, but also to post an external download link. It's always a good thing to have a backup plan, aye?
where can i actually post bugs?? is there an official bugtracker??
if not, i am happy to create a Post just for it ^-^
heres the bug i found:
when putting a modded item into a WEAPON RACK, and reloading the world (leaving and joining again) its a different item from THE SAME MOD
idk if thats just for me, but it happened to my modded items quite often (got an OP weapon from a wooden javelin, hue)
Thanks for reporting. Yea you can just report issues you come across here, or notify any of the devs via a PM on TCF or Discord. I believe this issue is known, and will be fixed with Tile entities (coming soon)
ok thx, a question: is it possible to play dust without changing its color?? and for some reason the dust i play on Javelins when they collide with walls doesnt move and spawns before hitting the wall, how can i fix this??? its only with the Flame Dust and the Waterbolt Dust
ok thx, a question: is it possible to play dust without changing its color?? and for some reason the dust i play on Javelins when they collide with walls doesnt move and spawns before hitting the wall, how can i fix this??? its only with the Flame Dust and the Waterbolt Dust
Do you mean you want to change a dust's color? The reason the dust displays earlier might be due to custom colliding checks, and it might collide a moment before it actually does on your screen. If it doesn't move, it means it has no velocity. Did you try setting a velocity when spawning the dusts?
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace SacredTools.Projectiles

    public class HellProj : ModProjectile
        public override void SetDefaults()
   = "Hell-ebarde";  //projectile name
            projectile.width = 20;       //projectile width
            projectile.height = 28;  //projectile height
            projectile.friendly = true;      //make that the projectile will not damage you
            projectile.aiStyle = 1;
            projectile.thrown = true;         //
            projectile.penetrate = 3;      //how many npc will penetrate
            projectile.extraUpdates = 1;
            aiType = ProjectileID.BoneJavelin;
        public override void AI()           //this make that the projectile will face the corect way
        {                                                           // |
  [0] += 1f;
            if ([0] >= 70f)
                projectile.velocity.Y = projectile.velocity.Y + 0.15f;
                projectile.velocity.X = projectile.velocity.X * 0.99f;
        public override bool OnTileCollide(Vector2 oldVelocity)
                Main.PlaySound(2, (int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, 10);
            return false;
        public override void OnHitNPC(NPC target, int damage, float knockback, bool crit)
        target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 500);   
        public override void OnHitPlayer(Player target, int damage, bool crit)
        target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 500);   
        public override void Kill(int timeLeft)
            for (int i = 4; i < 31; i++)
                Color color = new Color(204, 90, 0);
                int rand = Main.rand.Next(4);
                switch (rand)
                    case 0:
                    color = new Color(204, 90, 0);
                    case 1:
                    color = new Color(204, 90, 0);
                    case 2:
                    color = new Color(204, 90, 0);
                    case 3:
                    color = new Color(204, 90, 0);
                float x = projectile.oldVelocity.X * (30f / i);
                float y = projectile.oldVelocity.Y * (30f / i);
                int newDust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.oldPosition.X - x, projectile.oldPosition.Y - y), 8, 8, 6, projectile.oldVelocity.X, projectile.oldVelocity.Y, 100, color, 2.8f);
                Main.dust[newDust].noGravity = true;
                Main.dust[newDust].velocity *= 0.1f;
                newDust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.oldPosition.X - x, projectile.oldPosition.Y - y), 8, 8, 6, projectile.oldVelocity.X, projectile.oldVelocity.Y, 100, color, 2.4f);
                Main.dust[newDust].velocity *= 0.01f;
                Main.dust[newDust].noGravity = true;

i dont rly know where to put it :/
Could someone help? I keep getting this error:

c:\Users\(REDACTED)\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\UnderMod\Items\Placeable\DTEMItem.cs(30,28) : error CS0103: The name 'TileID' does not exist in the current contextc:\Users\(REDACTED)\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Mod Sources\UnderMod\Items\Placeable\DTEMItem.cs(28,34) : error CS0103: The name 'ItemID' does not exist in the current context

here is my code:

using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace UnderMod.Items.Placeable
    public class DTEMItem : ModItem
        public override void SetDefaults()
   = "DT Extraction Machine";
            item.toolTip = ("CURRENT STATUS: INACTIVE");
            item.width = 32;
            item.height = 32;
            item.maxStack = 99;
            item.useTurn = true;
            item.autoReuse = true;
            item.useAnimation = 15;
            item.useTime = 10;
            item.useStyle = 1;
            item.consumable = true;          
            item.rare = 1;
            item.createTile = mod.TileType("DTEM");
            item.placeStyle = 0;
        public override void AddRecipes()  //How to craft this item
            ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
            recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.ChlorophyteBar, 1);
            recipe.AddIngredient(null, "Determination", 10);
Could someone help?
So I'm slightly a scrub when it comes to installing mods and editing files. I just tried installing this but it keeps telling me Failed to start game.

I unzipped the download file. Copied the terraria.exe and terrariaserver.exe files into the patch folder. Used the patch bat. Copied the modded terraria.exe and terrariaserver.exe from the tmodloader folder into the folder I found the vanilla files, which replaced the original terraria.exe. And finally copied everything in the files folder into the vanilla folder.

Can anyone tell me what went wrong? I'm 99% sure I followed the directions.
Mounts and pets on multiplayer aren't working/are insanely buggy. This is true for all modded mounts and pets. For the player using them, they work and look fine, but to everyone else looking at them they look insanely buggy and teleport around.
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