Map-Adventure The Wall of Sleep (Cooperative Adventure Map)


The Destroyer


Hello again! :)

So lately I've been working on a new map called The Wall of Sleep. It will be a strictly 2-player cooperative open world adventure set inside a surreal dream. Each player will get unique abilities and must use them to help the other player out. There will be skill-based platforming and puzzle solving, most of which will require careful coordination between the players. The narrative consists of a mostly meditative style - there will be places to stop and contemplate as you discover new locales (this part will make more sense when you play it, ha). Players should keep an eye out for secrets; there are narrow borders between this dream world and a lurking nightmare.

There is still a lot of work to be done, but I'm really excited to be building it! Thanks for checking it out! :)
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This looks like it's going to be fun! I'm really excited to see it come out. I'll probably do it with @Derpling Ω because we work very well together, as shown by the fact the we struggled to flick levers on time for eachother. This will be a great experience!
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