I have not seen this Prunsel thing. I don't care though. (I assume) Flying Eyeball is Flying Eyeball, and Flying Eyeballs are in fact bad so *Prepares Gleaming Dagger*
So you're like Argus?

Oh good, another person to help up in the unfair fight against an eyeball
Just wait until I finally get past some bosses, then it'll become unfair.
Either that or I get Rylin here.

(Context: Jayne's my current Calamity character, along with Rylin, a spirit from the Ori mod)
Just how much landmass am I touching right now. Being a blob on the floor right now? I’d think about an infinite expanse of… wait… CERVELAX. No. Do not do it.
It's not that easy, once the void has you, it doesn't release you easily. You'll find that your abillities cease functioning here, and need to be completely relearned.
The void consumes all. Magic, matter, objects that escape your pockets. Currently, I am your only hope to get out of this place.
Besides, even if you could escape, I've just set your zero point.
Not how RTZ works bub. Basically, whenever it detects a threat to me or just whenever I feel like it, I can essentially reverse time to a certain point.
Which I've just set as right here in the void for u
Enjoy your stay.
True enough.
There are some beings more powerful than the void. Like me. One of the people creating this narrative on a mobile device as we speak.

Casual 4th wall breaks everywhere
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