Scariest enemy!?

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The face monster! On my first world ever the crimson was very close to my spawn point. That scary mob killed me every time when I tried to build a home.. after an hour of fighting him and being killed I started a new world. He scared me a lot -.- There are some more scary mobs, but that experience made him to my number one xD
There are many reasons an enemy can be scary. Its appearance, its powers, its strength in numbers and the sound it makes (I'm looking at you Face Monsters..) So I ask you, fellow Terrarians, in your opinion what is the most scariest enemy in all of Terraria?

1.Explain why said enemy is so scary.
2.The enemy cannot be Pinky (just kidding, but whoever is afraid of Pinky must have some issues)

Anyways, whichever monster has the most people screaming its name in horror and disgust will be deemed the most horrifying.
Has to be those damn red devils. Things horrify me. They deal so much damage look creepy and shoot purple tridents. What more could be said?
Dungeon Guardian. Simple enough. Scariest enemy ever. Reasons:

1. You're attempting to get the bone key. You're going down ever so nervously, thinking you're reading for the attack, but NOPE! He attacks you when you least expect it.

2. World glitches. This happened to my friends and I. We were going to take down Skeletron. Dungeon was in a dessert. Turns out the desert was very low, as when we simply approached the dungeon, they would kill us.

3. First time playing. You assume that the old man is stupid. You go down into the dungeon anyway. And NOPE! You get killed by this spinning skull.
Ragged casters first encounter, sitting just out of range sending homing projectiles that make it hard to see the environment,

(this is for the lols) pinkey is startling,no, I'm not kidding, fresh from spawn, that thing catches you off guard with its health,

@CraftedNightmare Here! *shudders* even more so with the last rounds.....
The Rune Wizard.

In early hardmode he can tp to you while right in front of where you are walking then you're just like, "oh crap I'm :red:ed" ... So yeah.
Holy crap a lot of people replied! After reviewing the comments I can say the Spiders and Tortoises have some competitors!
Crimson bunnies. They're smile is so... What's the word... DEMONIC. They are NOT cute and cuddly like you think they are. (ironicly they are not implemented but there texture has been released. There sound could be with the "mysterious" sounds in the files of the Crimson.)
Spiders. All of them, except for the jungle creepers. They don't bug me at all, for some reason.
I’d guess because they look more like wood than spiders
Guyz, I found my true fear:
The dirt block as a dropped item. It's an enemy to all those who hate cluttered inventories, and it's impossible to avoid getting at least one per mining trip.

It scares me to see such an evil creature in this game.
The Black Recluses. They blend in with the wall just enough that they seriously freak me out when I find one, especially if I find a spider cave that I haven't lit up yet, which means spiders that are capable of killing me in three shots everywhere, as well as a ton of cobwebs that makes escaping almost impossible.
The night is black, without a moon.
The air is thick and still.
The ragged zombies gather on,
The lonely, torchlit hill.

Features distorted in the flickering light,
Faces are twisted and grotesque.
Silent and stern in the sweltering night,
The mob moves like demons possessed.
Quiet in conscience, calm in their right,
Confident their ways are best.


Always will be first night zombies, for nostalgia's sake.
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