Mobile Mobile Terraria Easter Content & Bugfixes Galore!

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Well nobody really cares if some inpatient ios kids cant wait for the updates with all the fame Terraria got and all the downloads they got you think they will cry if 2% of their fanbase who are mostly annoying kids who think they are entitled to everything will quit Terraria or rant here?
Well nobody really cares if some inpatient ios kids cant wait for the updates with all the fame Terraria got and all the downloads they got you think they will cry if 2% of their fanbase who are mostly annoying kids who think they are entitled to everything will quit Terraria or rant here?
iOS fans ARE NOT stereotypical youtube fans. And more people play terraria on iOS than android, AND you say we're rantimg but look at your self! You're being hypocritical, and nobody likes that. Why would just randomly attack iOS users like that? So rude
Gurl or bruh I dunt understsnd wat u said sry :(
In simplest terms: Keep trying. On the day the update was released I kept getting crashes over and over, so I quit trying for a while. When I started the game later that afternoon/evening it worked fine, and has crashed just once since then instead of crashing every time before the game even began.

Bethany is a female name, derived from the ancient Hebrew name of the town where Jesus' (real name: Yeshua bar Yosef) friends Martha, Mary, and Lazarus lived.
I'm being patient with @505Games, Amazon, and Codeglue. Reason is the Amazon version still isnt out yet, and THAT would be most likely because 505 and Amazon are trying to help us Amazon-ers :D

No offense to Android and Apple ;)
Could we just :red:ing stop the hate of other platforms in this thread? It's really getting out of hand, and all of us have to remember: We're here because we love (or at least like) Terraria, and most of us just want to get news on what's happening with mobile. This goes with both Android, iOS, and Amazon users, and this arguing isn't making anything come out faster, it's just adding pointless extra comments to the thread.

And the thing that sucks about this comment trying to stop this is that people reading the thread for the first time will not see this and just start it over again. So please try to stop it now, and try to stop it if the need arises again.
Well nobody really cares if some inpatient ios kids cant wait for the updates with all the fame Terraria got and all the downloads they got you think they will cry if 2% of their fanbase who are mostly annoying kids who think they are entitled to everything will quit Terraria or rant here?

If you aren't going to post respectfully or empathetically to other users, whether direct or indirect, don't post at all. The only thing you will sprout in a thread is hate, and we will not tolerate that on these forums.

I suggest you read the rules regarding what we expect from our members here.
  1. Tap icon to start game.
  2. See "Fetching download URL".
  3. Almost immediately see "Failed fetching download URL".
  4. 505 Games splash screen appears, immediately followed by…
  5. "Unfortunately, Terraria has stopped."

I just updated, and am having the same problem.

Before the update, it tried to fetch the download url, and the Thorn Chakram just spun in the center of the screen. Tried leaving it on, but after trying to wait up to 30 minutes with wifi on, (I swear I wasn't watching it, had other things to do) I had to give up.

Now, the url download fails, the 505 screen comes up, then a crash.

Just crossing my fingers, hoping for an update. Sure, I've got Pocket Trains and Simple Rockets, but damn I miss Terraria! Should I start saving for a Sony Vita?
I just updated, and am having the same problem. [snip]
Bummer. Try it again after an hour or two, and at intervals after if that doesn't do it. I've no idea what the cause is but I'm pretty sure once you get the download you'll have smooth sailing after. Keep the faith!
Just a little off topic, but me and my friend, Adam, have known each other for a while. We started playing Terraria at about the same time. He has iOS, I have Amazon. We went through a Pumpkin Moon together, and he didn't crash at all for a long time (even when my frame rate was about 3).

Anyways, I'm saying iOS users dont know how lucky they are. Their games barely even crash!!!
Quick question, Does anyone have a working key mold farm or know about a video that showcases a decent key mold farm that works for mobile.
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