PC Terraria - Cheese the Moon Lord - Defense Stack

What is cheesing? Use of exploits in making a fight outright trivial.
What is not cheesing? Use of armor, accessories, potions, and other items to help surpass a challenge.
So now the glorious patch at the rate we're going:
Moon bite now cancels any form of regeneration and heart pickups.
Don't forget ignoring all forms of damage reduction and making the laser pierce walls.

But yes...so that those who want to access the information without spending the processing power to keep running the video, I'm going to summarize the information from the video in text form here.

Do this in Expert Mode, have Demon Heart used.

The arena:
  • 3 Heart Statues on a 5 Second Timer, on platforms underneath.
  • A solid roof overhead to block the laser. *Update* Add a minimum 1-block bottom edge to each side of it.
  • A block of honey suspended in Bubbles for health regen; platforms underneath to stand on.
  • A Heart Lantern hanging from the solid block the timer should be set on.
  • *Update* A Bewitching Table nearby.
The gear:
  • Homing or block-piercing weapon/ammo. *Update* Vortex Beater works well.
  • *Update* Stardust Dragon Staff.
  • Full Beetle armor set with shell.
  • All accessories with Warding prefix.
  • Shiny Stone.
  • Celestial Shell.
  • Paladin Shield.
  • Worm Scarf.
  • Frozen Turtle Shell.
  • Flesh Knuckles.
The potions:
  • Lifeforce Potion
  • Endurance Potion
  • Regeneration Potion
  • Heartreach Potion
  • Ironskin Potion
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • *Update* Summoning Potion
  • *Update* Greater/Super Health Potions
  • Optional - Inferno Potion
  • Optional - Wrath Potion
  • Optional - Rage Potion
The process:
  1. Wait for 3 beetles from armor.
  2. Turn on timer.
  3. *Update* Use the Bewitching Table.
  4. Stand on honey platform.
  5. If manually summoning, use Celestial Sigil; otherwise, just wait.
  6. When you see his flash of light, use all the buff potions. *Update* Use the Quick Buff key (default: B) to save time.
  7. *Update* Use the Stardust Dragon Staff 3 times.
  8. Go to town! *Update* If your health falls below 100, use one of your health potions (default Quick Heal button: H), but make sure you only have Greater/Super Health Potions in your inventory to be on the safe side.
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-The moon lord now ignores all defense.
After someone inevitably wins against him even when he is that unfair:
Moon Lord now instantly deals 99999 damage to any living player upon spawn, and continues to deal this damage as along as he is present on the map.
After someone inevitably wins against him even when he is that unfair:
Moon Lord now instantly deals 99999 damage to any living player upon spawn, and continues to deal this damage as along as he is present on the map.
Bonus buff: All-player death does not despawn him.
OMG... are they still messing with the Moon Lord? It was more fun killing him in oh well... honestly, I don't even fight him anymore... I have all the loot from him. No point in killing him anymore... I prefer to stay in my original world (pre-hard mode) on normal wearing my end of game gear. I don't have to fight anything anymore and can concentrate on what makes this game fun... BUILDING STUFF... designing things...

... I never really liked the combat so I am glad I am done with it... (except for I am still working on better and faster ways to get through the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon events without having to touch the keyboard... using your brain to make killing fields and then watching them run themselves is a lot more satisfying to me than running around dodging stuff...

... just my .02

Damage reduction is additive? Beetle Armor + Turtle Shell + Worm Scarf = 87%. Seems too good to be true..
Dude, wiki has to be wrong or there's a cap, because with endurance it's 97%, and moon lord was still hitting for like 30 when he was below 50%... I don't think moon lord hits for 900 damage normally xD
I don't really see this as "cheesing", so to speak, simply because he's not taking advantage of an exploit to avoid death. He's incurring decent hits, but with high, high damage reduction. And although getting all the required items may take some work, it isn't exactly beyond what the developers had intended. Items like the Frozen Turtle Shell are in the game for a reason, and that accessory received a tremendous buff for a reason (seriously, the change is phenomenal).

He operated within the game's limits and the developers intentions, without the use of a mechanic that overrides damage or negates it.

If anything, they'd weaken the beetle armor to be more in line with Solar Flare Armor (since it beats Solar armor in damage reduction anyway, which makes no sense to me), OR weaken the Frozen Turtle Shell (less damage reduction or multiplicative versus additive), or allow the Moon Lord to apply an Ichor debuff, or EVERYTHING I just mentioned.
Doesn't look like cheesing to me. Looks like he is using an ideal defensive build, coupled with good arena healing perks, to make a solid defense.

I think I've said before, that at a certain point, cheesing stops being cheese, and just becomes good strategy or builds.

It also didn't hurt that he used a bunch of potions, Lifeforce Potion and Endurance potion alone let you take 33% more damage without dying . . . Expert was designed with people to be using potions like this regularly.
I don't really see this as "cheesing", so to speak, simply because he's not taking advantage of an exploit to avoid death. He's incurring decent hits, but with high, high damage reduction. And although getting all the required items may take some work, it isn't exactly beyond what the developers had intended. Items like the Frozen Turtle Shell are in the game for a reason, and that accessory received a tremendous buff for a reason (seriously, the change is phenomenal).

He operated within the game's limits and the developers intentions, without the use of a mechanic that overrides damage or negates it.

If anything, they'd weaken the beetle armor to be more in line with Solar Flare Armor (since it beats Solar armor in damage reduction anyway, which makes no sense to me), OR weaken the Frozen Turtle Shell (less damage reduction or multiplicative versus additive), or allow the Moon Lord to apply an Ichor debuff, or EVERYTHING I just mentioned.
solar still has the better buff after you've been hit twice.
This may work on a normal world, but not on my expert world.
I copied his setup exactly, except I had 114 defense, and died. Not that I haven't died dozens of times on the pillars.
Well, I just fought my first Moon Lord battle since the new update... on normal... and I have to agree with the majority that the new system is not better, it is worse... they should have left it alone at using a magic mirror and teleporting to the nurse to heal is a legitimate battle tactic... not cheese (despite all the whiny members who cried so loud they got it changed... the Moon Lord now teleports with you... which totally sucks..)

Manuevering the Moon lord away from your base (the nurse) while fighting him, and then teleporting back to heal (which only gave you a few seconds anyway because he was coming and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife... you had to get healed, then move back to him before he got to you... that was the best way to fight him so far. It was fun.

... and the whiny nerfs that complained and got it changed probably don't even bother fighting him on normal mode anymore anyway... it is just too bad that a few loud complainers get to ruin the game for the rest of us...

.... please remove the Moon Lords' ability to teleport on normal... you can leave it in for Expert mode if you like... and let all those who complained about him being to easy try beating him with no armor and the wooden sword you start with... that should give them enough of a challenge without messing up the game for the rest of us...

... just my .02

hey 12 year olds. i know this video isnt really much of a cheese, but the more you post this stuff here, the more the devs will find out and buff the moon lord. just saying.
Actually...now I'm not so sure. @Leinfors, one of the mods, has already taken a look at it and reassured us that this person has found the line between cheesing and legitimate strategy, and crossed over to the legit side with it. I don't think the developers actually want to make it impossible to beat him, or to force you to fight him one specific way.

In a way, this can be considered just as tough a strategy as any other, as some of the items necessary are rare, you can spend many Platinum Coins trying to reforge your equipment just right, and you still have to farm the herbs and catch the fish to make the potions, as well as finding three Heart Statues (I still only have one). There's a lot of pre-fight setup involved.
This isn't a cheese in any way shape or form nor by any definition. This is using in game items, healing by natural means, what is cheesy? It's not exploiting a flaw in the boss. It's 100% legit
It's actually pretty similar to what I did the first time I killed moon lord...though I used a star veil instead of the shiny stone and a Ankh shield instead of the frozen turtle stuff because I didn't have it, and it's not cheesy unless people now think Tanking is cheesy. :D

BTW: try not to kill the hands so fast, try to leave them both with low health, then focus in the eye. and then kill the hands in that way the true eyes of cthulhu will spawn a bit later :)
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It's actually pretty similar to what I did the first time I killed moon lord...though I used a star veil instead of the shiny stone and a Ankh shield instead of the frozen turtle stuff because I didn't have it, and it's not cheesy unless people now think Tanking is cheesy. :D
It's pretty cheesy if you can stand still the whole time with only 2 easily acquired buffs...and heart statues.
It's pretty cheesy if you can stand still the whole time with only 2 easily acquired buffs...and heart statues.

2 easly acquired buffs?

the fact the he's standing still is because he has the frozen turtle shell (hard to get even with a farm), and the shiny stone (expert mode only), don't forget that expert mode accesories are there to help you out, so shiny stone did it's part.

I've been reading and hearing a lot this is cheesy, this is not legitimate, and stuff. and only because the BUILT arenas, or mechanical cart track system, or teleporting stuff.

back in 1.2.4 most people just filled their arenas with Lhizhard traps, and lava, they just were standing still, there with a hook and started spawning any end-game weapon in frost and pumpking moon and no one said it was cheesy, did you ever saw the Horseman's blade system to get to the final wave in frost moon before 2 A.M? again, no one said that was cheesy. oh and back1.2.4 there was no expert mode...
back in 1.2.4 most people just filled their arenas with Lhizhard traps, and lava, they just were standing still, there with a hook and started spawning any end-game weapon in frost and pumpking moon and no one said it was cheesy, did you ever saw the Horseman's blade system to get to the final wave in frost moon before 2 A.M? again, no one said that was cheesy. oh and back1.2.4 there was no expert mode...
Going off-topic for a moment...that reminds me, the Frost Moon and Pumpkin Moon events are the two things I still have not completed in the game...along with my museum.
Actually the shiny stone is only useful if you are not getting hit. It doesn't work standing still getting hit by eye balls.
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