Weapons & Equip Laser Drill

I'll make this fast and simple. Each mech boss will now have a new 33.3% drop. The destroyer's will be the D pod, Skeletron Prime's will be the S pod, and the Twins will be the T pod. Together they become the ultimate drill known as the laser drill!

It is a peaceable object. It shoots a laser down that deals no damage to anything, it's two blocks wide, and it breaks blocks. It has the power of the Molten Pickax and the same speed, so it's kind of slow. It works no matter where you are and it takes no mana or ammo ar anything. It only digs down, there is no changing that, and there is no kind of upgrade.

I think this thing would be quite useful. Let me know if I missed anything and all (positive) comments are welcome!
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It would really be usefull, but just one question, if the boss drops one of the pods, will it still have a chance of one of its rare drops? Also, where do the digged blocks go? In some kind of internal inventory, and how big is it?
I think the laser could recieve a buff:
1. Upgrades that make it a lot stronger. Let's say, as strong as a drax. Why? Because the shroomite digging claw is about 8 times faster (no joke) than the molten pick.
2. Ability to dig different kinds of holes: 1 wide, 3 wide, 5 wide.
This is supposed to be able to dig without you. Just turn it on and walk away. If it was that fast and strong, you would have no need for anything else! And it's mace to be able to put one or more next to each other to increase the distance you can drill.
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