AlexTheKoalefant Dec 1, 2016 Good Evening mayor!Shall we begin?Oh...But there is one problem.Last time you played,you didn't save,Im so sorry.
Good Evening mayor!Shall we begin?Oh...But there is one problem.Last time you played,you didn't save,Im so sorry.
AlexTheKoalefant Dec 1, 2016 Like my new Avatar?I'd post Isabelle on my status but uh...Hehe I dunno how
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 30, 2016 Instant Oatmeal Question:What is your favorite flavor?Mine isn't Bananas and Cream,but I could also part with Blueberries and Cream.
Instant Oatmeal Question:What is your favorite flavor?Mine isn't Bananas and Cream,but I could also part with Blueberries and Cream.
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 29, 2016 Your clothes shrunk in the washer because it's cotton and you're dumb...Your books are overdue because your dumb...
Your clothes shrunk in the washer because it's cotton and you're dumb...Your books are overdue because your dumb...
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 29, 2016 Hi,I'm Dory...I suffer from short term remembory loss...Ooh Look shells!I like shells!
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 28, 2016 Rest In Peace Airshou...NOW WHO WANTS TO PAY THE BUILDSTORE?....Not This guy.
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 28, 2016 Android vs. Apple When it comes to Gaming and Emulators...Android Wins,Because Apple LOVES to break our hearts by revoking third party apps
Android vs. Apple When it comes to Gaming and Emulators...Android Wins,Because Apple LOVES to break our hearts by revoking third party apps
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 26, 2016 The question about Online arriving to Terraria 3DS is becoming annoying...Have some patience will ya?
The question about Online arriving to Terraria 3DS is becoming annoying...Have some patience will ya?
AlexTheKoalefant Nov 26, 2016 I'm super sick of answering "Online" On the Terraria 3DS Miiverse Community...The Cringe is real.Why don't Kids listen to me or my friends?
I'm super sick of answering "Online" On the Terraria 3DS Miiverse Community...The Cringe is real.Why don't Kids listen to me or my friends?