Dakota Spine Feb 8, 2015 OBJECTION!...Um... I wanted to follow up with something but I can't think of anything. I just wanted to scream objection, really.
OBJECTION!...Um... I wanted to follow up with something but I can't think of anything. I just wanted to scream objection, really.
Awordley Jan 18, 2015 Another dancing avatar is beginning to spread around the forums... Will war wage between the two?
Commander Crocket Jan 17, 2015 Somehow, Phoenix is still Dansen. Maybe he's managed to raid Godot's stash o' Joe.
Awordley Jan 13, 2015 Took 126 minutes to find an Anklet of the Wind. During the search I got a Demon Scythe, Bone Sword, Skull, Fibre Glass Rod and Seaweed. Wow.
Took 126 minutes to find an Anklet of the Wind. During the search I got a Demon Scythe, Bone Sword, Skull, Fibre Glass Rod and Seaweed. Wow.
Awordley Dec 28, 2014 Terraria Bingo is a lot of fun! All you need is a few friends, and this bingo card: http://i.imgur.com/yjKRYzk.png Have a blast!
Terraria Bingo is a lot of fun! All you need is a few friends, and this bingo card: http://i.imgur.com/yjKRYzk.png Have a blast!
Awordley Dec 25, 2014 Happy Christmas everyone! Time has gone quickly, only seems like a few minutes ago since my last status!
Happy Christmas everyone! Time has gone quickly, only seems like a few minutes ago since my last status!
Commander Crocket Dec 18, 2014 This is hereby your new avatar. http://media.tumblr.com/ccb028e1c16d12222a844d04eb5b36de/tumblr_inline_mfnx49oSxR1qkpnrw.gif
This is hereby your new avatar. http://media.tumblr.com/ccb028e1c16d12222a844d04eb5b36de/tumblr_inline_mfnx49oSxR1qkpnrw.gif
Commander Crocket Dec 15, 2014 Rockin' with the crew: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ln7mbhbG5y1qkqgoso1_400.gif
Awordley Dec 15, 2014 I just realised, where I am the Christmas event started an hour ago! Time to start a new playthrough, I hope I'm lucky!
I just realised, where I am the Christmas event started an hour ago! Time to start a new playthrough, I hope I'm lucky!
Awordley Dec 13, 2014 It actually took longer than I expected to be a little festive, and shove a Santa hat on my avatar. It does the job!
It actually took longer than I expected to be a little festive, and shove a Santa hat on my avatar. It does the job!
Awordley Dec 9, 2014 Though the Phoenix Wright Trilogy was released today, I still have to wait until the 11th to play it, when it's released in Europe!
Though the Phoenix Wright Trilogy was released today, I still have to wait until the 11th to play it, when it's released in Europe!
Awordley Dec 9, 2014 New Thread: "Quick Heal " Hotkey Toggle http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/new-toggle-for-quick-heal-hotkey.6743/
New Thread: "Quick Heal " Hotkey Toggle http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/new-toggle-for-quick-heal-hotkey.6743/