Bezixx Jan 26, 2017 That moment when you see Steam window flashing on your taskbar and you think someone's messaged you, but it's only a Steam update.
That moment when you see Steam window flashing on your taskbar and you think someone's messaged you, but it's only a Steam update.
Bezixx Jan 20, 2017 Remember, the hardest enemies in Dark Souls games are gravity and doors/gates. Mobs and bosses are only a distraction.
Remember, the hardest enemies in Dark Souls games are gravity and doors/gates. Mobs and bosses are only a distraction.
Bezixx Jan 11, 2017 Steam spoiler filter seems technically useless to me. You accidentaly hover the cursor over a filtered image and there's no way to hide it.
Steam spoiler filter seems technically useless to me. You accidentaly hover the cursor over a filtered image and there's no way to hide it.
Bezixx Jan 8, 2017 It's so funny to have walk feature in games, when nobody is going to use it 99% of the time, unless being forced to it by game.
It's so funny to have walk feature in games, when nobody is going to use it 99% of the time, unless being forced to it by game.
Bezixx Jan 6, 2017 [DkS3]Not sure why people consider Iudex Gundyr hard. I beat him in 2 tries because at first I noped at his second form and got punished.
[DkS3]Not sure why people consider Iudex Gundyr hard. I beat him in 2 tries because at first I noped at his second form and got punished.
Bezixx Dec 23, 2016 In case someone wants to play it.
Bezixx Dec 22, 2016 So many people getting butthurt because Tracer is lesbian, and I'm eating popcorn and watching, I haven't seen a good comedy in a while.
So many people getting butthurt because Tracer is lesbian, and I'm eating popcorn and watching, I haven't seen a good comedy in a while.
Bezixx Dec 18, 2016 [DkS2]Getting summoned as an invader to Looking Glass Knight bossfights is really cool, such a shame it's so hard to reach them.
[DkS2]Getting summoned as an invader to Looking Glass Knight bossfights is really cool, such a shame it's so hard to reach them.
Bezixx Dec 18, 2016 [DkS2]How to invade someone in style - guard break them when they shield, counter attack them and look as it pushes them off of the ledge.
[DkS2]How to invade someone in style - guard break them when they shield, counter attack them and look as it pushes them off of the ledge.
Bezixx Dec 14, 2016 Now suddenly people are gonna become Dungeon Spirits. Nice, now it will be easier to farm Ectoplasm.
Bezixx Dec 10, 2016 [DkS] So annoying when you want to check if there's an illusory wall or you just want to activate one, but there's a message blocking you.
[DkS] So annoying when you want to check if there's an illusory wall or you just want to activate one, but there's a message blocking you.
Keigora Dec 9, 2016 Might as well start now with thanking people for following me, even though I haven't done it before. Thanks for the follow bub. Now let me ask the million-dollar question: Y tho?
Might as well start now with thanking people for following me, even though I haven't done it before. Thanks for the follow bub. Now let me ask the million-dollar question: Y tho?