Cactato64 ᘯ
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  • I moved house! I still don't have Terraria on the Xbox yet. At this rate, 1.4 will be out before I can experience 1.3.5! Dang...
    Hey everyone! I've had my new Xbox for a bit (still no Terraria yet due to certain reasons) and I decided to go and try the WII U version for a bit. I just checked, and as of today, I have logged 724 hours and 13 minutes into Terraria: WII U edition. I have also booted up the game 532 times! People say Elder Scrolls V is a game you will log many hours into. I'm frankly surprised myself!
    Hey anyone remember :red:'s old Armor?
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    Reactions: Cheese sticks
    Cactato64 ᘯ
    Cactato64 ᘯ
    Back before 1.3 (Desktop only) if you put on a gold helmet and the torso and legs of the frost armor and dyed it all with Blue Flame and Black dye it would pulsate like in the picture
    Hey everyone! Today I have a brand new (to me even though it's used but I couldn't care less) Xbox One! Now in a week or two I will have Terraria! 1.3 gang soon!
    We're gonna do that (2 posts down) until he gets tired of it or we run out of words
    Cheese sticks
    Cheese sticks
    I will never get tired (I will send proof in the convo)
    Cactato64 ᘯ
    Cactato64 ᘯ
    mayhaps i mean i might start googling stuff i got adhd so distraction turns into amusement turns to the thing i was distracted from is my new distraction and tell me if you get this long string of words
    Cheese sticks
    Cheese sticks
    I get it POSSIBLY NOT
    Greetings, fellow omega :guidewink:
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    Reactions: Cactato64 ᘯ
    Cactato64 ᘯ
    Cactato64 ᘯ
    Hi, sorry I'm late, school's a thing. But now I don't have to deal with it for a month
    I just realized while looking at this that i need to edit it to say I am kind of happy school was just oofed but now the downside is everything's oofed
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