Clockwork Alpha
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  • I just beat the destroyer with a nimbus cloud, a beam sword, and palladium armor and didn't even go below half health.
    Milady Lyndis
    Milady Lyndis
    The paladium set bonus is op! :p

    It's like low level life steal, but it's still life steal.
    Steve of a Thousand Naps
    Steve of a Thousand Naps
    The destroyer is ridiculously easy. The easiest out of all the hardmode bosses. Why? Well...just running along the landscape with no arena, naked with wings+hermes boots and a somewhat piercing weapon makes short work of it. Armor? Heh. HEH. HEH. That's just asking for a guaranteed kill. :p As long as you occasionally lure it up in the air with an infinity pattern...Any boss is easy!
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