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  • Its been a very long time since that solar eclipse happened and I just finished it cause I was tabbed out for so long, doing stuff.
    While fishing for the scaly truffle I read these familiar words at the bottom left of the screen. "A solar eclipse is happening". Great...
    Found some hunter potions in a crate while fishing for the scaly truffle. It was then that I realized... I was being watched.
    Been so long since I went fishing in Terraria I forgot my fishing pole twice and my bait once...
    So, I had been farming Dark Mages for a few hours trying to get the creeper egg... Then I realized it drops from Ogres...
    A while back every character and world on Terraria that I had got deleted so now this is my best character. Next up, Skeletron Prime.
    Recently beat the destroyer on my newest character. Second time fighting him and only ever used one mechanical worm. My character is a Mage.
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