Cyrus the Cold Mar 25, 2015 Oh. My. God. I didn't think my first encounter with the high rank gore magala would be over quite as fast.
Oh. My. God. I didn't think my first encounter with the high rank gore magala would be over quite as fast.
Cyrus the Cold Mar 23, 2015 Monster hunter: It took me nine tries to get one Shagaru plate, then I get two Rathian rubies on my FIRST PINK RATHIAN HUNT!
Monster hunter: It took me nine tries to get one Shagaru plate, then I get two Rathian rubies on my FIRST PINK RATHIAN HUNT!
Cyrus the Cold Mar 21, 2015 It's weird. I'm a shut in, with vampire level hatred of sunlight. no, that's not the weird part.
Cyrus the Cold Mar 17, 2015 "So, what are your plans for St. Patrick's Day? Same as always. Sit on my and wonder what St. Patrick's day is actually celebrating."
"So, what are your plans for St. Patrick's Day? Same as always. Sit on my and wonder what St. Patrick's day is actually celebrating."
Cyrus the Cold Mar 17, 2015 Australia is a nice place to live. It will violently kill you in about fifty ways, but very few of those are by another human.
Australia is a nice place to live. It will violently kill you in about fifty ways, but very few of those are by another human.
Cyrus the Cold Mar 17, 2015 Did you know that every monster hunter fanfiction (including my own) play out like they were written by platinum games?
Did you know that every monster hunter fanfiction (including my own) play out like they were written by platinum games?
Cyrus the Cold Mar 15, 2015 So, turns out there's a mission in monster hunter four called 'Arachnophillia'. Do have faith in humankind anymore? of course not, silliy!
So, turns out there's a mission in monster hunter four called 'Arachnophillia'. Do have faith in humankind anymore? of course not, silliy!
True dinklewinkle Mar 13, 2015 nearly got 20 likes time to post on jetstream's infinity profile hue-hue-hue-hue
Cyrus the Cold Mar 11, 2015 I hate adventure time. I like my cartoons to make an ounce of sense. Granted, I watch MLP: FiM frequently.
I hate adventure time. I like my cartoons to make an ounce of sense. Granted, I watch MLP: FiM frequently.
Cyrus the Cold Mar 10, 2015 I have just started playing the binding of Isaac rebirth. My arse has been handed to me on a platter more times than I care to count.
I have just started playing the binding of Isaac rebirth. My arse has been handed to me on a platter more times than I care to count.