Flameofice Jan 28, 2018 I've made a habit of playing "Sburban Jungle" during long game downloads. 10/10, would recommend.
Flameofice Jan 11, 2018 The American box art of Kirby: Star Allies features Kirby smiling. Ragnarok has arrived.
Flameofice Jan 3, 2018 Any ideas as to what I should get for the last day of the Steam sale? Got 15-something dollars left.
Flameofice Dec 28, 2017 For an Early Access game, CrossCode seems to go on forever. I'm less than halfway through, but a normal game would have me done by now.
For an Early Access game, CrossCode seems to go on forever. I'm less than halfway through, but a normal game would have me done by now.
Flameofice Dec 22, 2017 So there's, like, two games out of a dozen or so on my Steam wishlist with discounts above 25%. Grumble grumble.
So there's, like, two games out of a dozen or so on my Steam wishlist with discounts above 25%. Grumble grumble.
Flameofice Dec 21, 2017 Finals are over. Time to lie around and feel like garbage like I've been meaning to for the past week.
Finals are over. Time to lie around and feel like garbage like I've been meaning to for the past week.
Flameofice Dec 9, 2017 Lots of people on my Steam friends list seem to be contacting me out of the blue tonight. No apparent reason other than sheer coincidence.
Lots of people on my Steam friends list seem to be contacting me out of the blue tonight. No apparent reason other than sheer coincidence.
Flameofice Dec 8, 2017 On a brighter note, though, at least Breath of the Wild won GOTY. If PUBG ended up winning, I'd be miffed.
On a brighter note, though, at least Breath of the Wild won GOTY. If PUBG ended up winning, I'd be miffed.
Flameofice Dec 8, 2017 Remember when I said that I've already maxed out my Game Awards asspain? I was wrong. Hollow Knight deserved the debut award. Reeeeeeee.
Remember when I said that I've already maxed out my Game Awards asspain? I was wrong. Hollow Knight deserved the debut award. Reeeeeeee.
Flameofice Dec 8, 2017 Tonight is the night where we all get severely butthurt over video games. Also, Cuphead is on sale OOOOOOOO
Tonight is the night where we all get severely butthurt over video games. Also, Cuphead is on sale OOOOOOOO
Flameofice Nov 25, 2017 There's a festival going on near my house. Has food trucks and bouncy-house crap. Should've eaten something there.
There's a festival going on near my house. Has food trucks and bouncy-house crap. Should've eaten something there.
Flameofice Nov 23, 2017 Also, Dead Cells is good too. Nice to see that Motion Twin is still making stuff.
Flameofice Nov 23, 2017 Tom Francis seems to love naming his games after heavily downsized mechanics. Oh, and breaking windows. (Heat Signature is pretty great btw)
Tom Francis seems to love naming his games after heavily downsized mechanics. Oh, and breaking windows. (Heat Signature is pretty great btw)
Flameofice Nov 14, 2017 My paper on gaming industry trends is shaping up to be a bit of a titan. Looks like my English teacher was right after all...
My paper on gaming industry trends is shaping up to be a bit of a titan. Looks like my English teacher was right after all...