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  • I'm trying to post a suggestion thread, but I can't select the category to be "player suggestions" because I have "insufficient privileges" to post there. Anyone know what I can do about that?
    The Storm
    The Storm
    Well the thread needs to be in one of the sub-categories.
    Oh I see. I just didn't realize that they were categories.
    Unit One
    Unit One
    I’m glad you were able to get your thread posted, Sir Fluff, with help from Storm Driver.
    It has been a while since my last update with this, but I've finally done something worth mentioning. The buff, debuff, and flask icons have all been completed, and so has every texture that starts with "b" in the green texture pack!
    After 5 days of annoyance I have finally been completely been cured of my illness. (except for a cough)
    Wait so you no longer exist?
    Don't even ask why I put that there instead of illness, because even I don't know why I did.
    It feels weird to not have any notifications for two days straight. I guess derpify me just died down. I still keep checking expecting something new, but of course there isn't anything.

    This isn't me asking for people to go to my stuff btw
    Just so I don't get addicted to my phone and ignore everything in my classes to look here, I'm going to stop getting online at my midday, which will take around 7 or 8 hours away from my time a day. I've seen myself starting to get addicted, and this is helping with that. This means that I won't be checking on here from 6 AM to around 3 PM MST each day.
    I've been doing all of the hollow knight bosses radiant in godhome without nail upgrades, and it's one of the most fun yet strenuous things that I have ever done.
    I don't really say things like this, but if any of you want a really good online video merger, I would use Aconvert. I've used it quite a bit, and it can actually handle some pretty big files, even a 10 hour long one, which only took a super long time to merge, but it's faster than most, shows you the progress, and is one of the best I've used.
    *underhaul dungeon guardian theme intensifies*
    I bought the wallpaper engine off of steam, and now I've spent more time messing around on it than I have playing some of my actual games.
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