Fortanono May 3, 2015 Finally beat the EoC today. (I'm a noob, alright?) Surprised that everyone talks about Shurikens when Frostburn Arrows are the real deal.
Finally beat the EoC today. (I'm a noob, alright?) Surprised that everyone talks about Shurikens when Frostburn Arrows are the real deal.
652Graystripe Apr 21, 2015 I liked your Ball of Thread. I think it goes nicely with my Flail of Ultimate Swag (i.e. Weighted Flail).
I liked your Ball of Thread. I think it goes nicely with my Flail of Ultimate Swag (i.e. Weighted Flail).
Fortanono Apr 17, 2015 Was looking through my old suggestions from 2013, when I realized none of them fit in the game after 1.2. So what'll happen when 1.3 is out?
Was looking through my old suggestions from 2013, when I realized none of them fit in the game after 1.2. So what'll happen when 1.3 is out?
Fortanono Apr 14, 2015 Question: After seeing the Sensation thread, I was reminded of an idea I had. Would you guys like to see an anger-themed Corruption alt?
Question: After seeing the Sensation thread, I was reminded of an idea I had. Would you guys like to see an anger-themed Corruption alt?
Fortanono Apr 13, 2015 New biome suggestion!
New biome suggestion!
Fortanono Apr 12, 2015 Had a new suggestion for a mini-biome, when suddenly, I got an alert. When I got back to the thread creation, "A server error occured." WHY?
Had a new suggestion for a mini-biome, when suddenly, I got an alert. When I got back to the thread creation, "A server error occured." WHY?
Fortanono Apr 7, 2015 Shame nobody ever sees my suggestions...
Shame nobody ever sees my suggestions...
Zekrua the Demon Lord Apr 1, 2015 Just gonna quickly post here so nobody sees my ignorance that this is not my profile. xD