four plus four Oct 13, 2016 I swear, the internet lag in Brawlhalla is absolutely horrible. It causes far to many deaths. It's pretty ing stupid.
I swear, the internet lag in Brawlhalla is absolutely horrible. It causes far to many deaths. It's pretty ing stupid.
four plus four Oct 12, 2016 As an update of sorts to my post about Steam not to long ago, here's a picture showing who is me.
four plus four Oct 12, 2016 I've been playing a bunch of Brawlhalla since yesterday. Using a lot of Ada.
four plus four Oct 12, 2016 Higurashi is, so far, the only horror anime to give me a sense of what I want from horror anime. To be fair, I've only watched 5.5 of them.
Higurashi is, so far, the only horror anime to give me a sense of what I want from horror anime. To be fair, I've only watched 5.5 of them.
four plus four Oct 12, 2016 You should be able to find me on steam under the username "SkullRay" No profile picture there, though. Come stalk me if you dare.
You should be able to find me on steam under the username "SkullRay" No profile picture there, though. Come stalk me if you dare.
four plus four Oct 11, 2016 You know what? I can't deny it. 100% true.
four plus four Oct 11, 2016 Hey, did you know you can change the style of the site? I did not realize it til earlier, and now my thing is Hallowed. For now.
Hey, did you know you can change the style of the site? I did not realize it til earlier, and now my thing is Hallowed. For now.
four plus four Oct 11, 2016 Hey, I've gotten the trophy "Chiliad"! I can now be Retinazor! So that's cool.
four plus four Oct 11, 2016 What would I, someone who never watches movies, consider my favorite movie? Hmm...
four plus four Oct 10, 2016 Mostly made a gem yoyo, having a bit of trouble with diamond, and bit weird making the projectile.
four plus four Oct 10, 2016 Another was not a good. No true horror, just bloody deaths, no interesting characters, and the story is not a good. I did not like Another.
Another was not a good. No true horror, just bloody deaths, no interesting characters, and the story is not a good. I did not like Another.
four plus four Oct 10, 2016 Laziness is a curse, but I'm to lazy to try to stop myself from being lazy.
four plus four Oct 8, 2016 176. Don't mind me, just cheating at @[54419ArmyFrog]'s Counting with Google.