Hie the Badger Oct 25, 2014 Medicine would have less side effects if they, i don't know, TESTED IT IN PEOPLE.
Hie the Badger Oct 24, 2014 Apparently pandora radio will auto skip a song now if you pause it and are gone for the song's normal duration.
Apparently pandora radio will auto skip a song now if you pause it and are gone for the song's normal duration.
Hie the Badger Oct 24, 2014 The CDC are doing a brilliant job. Ebola is definitely not spreading to other states. Especially not to states that are far apart.
The CDC are doing a brilliant job. Ebola is definitely not spreading to other states. Especially not to states that are far apart.
Hie the Badger Oct 23, 2014 Today for lunch I tried veggie burgers for the first time. I am okay with this.
Hie the Badger Oct 21, 2014 Am I the only one here who likes Red Army Choir? In before old ladies scream things about politics they know nothing about.
Am I the only one here who likes Red Army Choir? In before old ladies scream things about politics they know nothing about.
Hie the Badger Oct 20, 2014 How many xanex bars do these people have to take to wipe 7 times on *any* part of throne of thunder?
Hie the Badger Oct 17, 2014 I'm guessing I missed something interesting regarding the likes and the bombing thereof?