cultist unhooded Jul 17, 2015 woo, self advertisement! do you mind if you make a banner for this thread?
woo, self advertisement! do you mind if you make a banner for this thread?
iDuck Jul 16, 2015 I just bought I am Bread and 10 Second Ninja. I guess I'm feeling a bit masochistic.
iDuck Jun 29, 2015 Oh my. I just realized why only the female NPCs are ticked off in the blood moon... I'm so naïve...
iDuck Jun 25, 2015 If you wear a shirt inside out, doesn't that mean that the everyone in the universe but you is wearing it?
If you wear a shirt inside out, doesn't that mean that the everyone in the universe but you is wearing it?
iDuck Jun 2, 2015 One day a timer will appear on the Steam front page. No one will know its purpose and Valve will remain silent as usual. (continued)
One day a timer will appear on the Steam front page. No one will know its purpose and Valve will remain silent as usual. (continued)