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  • hey thats a nice avatar! wheres it from?
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    Reactions: Jill
    Cheers! It's from a game called Va-11 Hall-a.
    woah thats a nice looking game :')
    Truth be told I haven't gotten to playing it yet. :/ It's certainly up my alley in terms of story, and honestly I was sold on Mike Kelly's soundtrack alone, but I've lost my credit card. So I quite literally can't go 'shut up and take my money' on it!
    I have to admit, I honestly contemplated jumping off a building having reading through a bunch of my 2014 Lone Tree 'writings'.
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    Reactions: OptiPri
    My cringeworthy character Ardel Berkas, I noticed she had a few catchphrases that I tended to throw out with her... so I searched the thread with the search term, 'By the Elder Dragons'.

    Two pages of results.
    TCF RP Strikes Again:
    They're not that great. You're basically only missing out on Lost Hope, and you had a pretty tawdry character for it anyways, it wasn't one of your mainstays.

    That said, let the man complain if he wants to. I'm still of the opinion, more-or-less, that it's something that's fair to complain about. Us adopting an 'I'm Alright Jack' attitude won't be very helpful.
    Fine, fine.
    Back to Xayah, I see?
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    Reactions: Jill
    I just really liked this painting.

    Besides, with her being the Poundland Edgelord she is, she's an extremely apt representation for my TCF RP charas, hahaha!
    Anyone else noticed 'hater' seems somehow a sweeping rebuke for anyone who says you've acted like a twit, when you've acted like a twit?
    It can be hard to sift out reasonable advice and criticism from straight rage but if you actively refuse to address all of it then that's a barrier to self-improvement. 'I'll do me' is not always the best way to go about things, contrary to I guess popular belief?
    Sometimes you have to accept that what you felt may have been fine to do just wasn't, this rather than coming up with cock-and-bull about how it's your right or how others; perhaps, are too stupid to comprehend your grand vision and real meaning. Unfortunately the old idea of offering a straight apology is pretty much extinct among even complete nobodies.
    Or some apologize so much it loses its meaning, a la me. But I suppose that is better than no apologies at all. Everyone's gotta be somebody and they gotta be tough. Once people become more content with mediocrity in our cutthroat world we can shift the doctrine. Maybe. Or we'll spiral downward. Oh well.
    Wth, TCF's search function is smarter than I'd thought... seems it can link posts if it thinks words in it may be related to the chosen term
    With no use of the term itself in the post or thread.
    Since you seem to be into writing... Got any good reads? I'm mainly interested in anything medieval or the like
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    Reactions: neoselket
    Shameless plug, Stone Man by j m beevers is pretty good, and i'm not just saying that because my aunt wrote it. Worth a read.
    If you want medieval fantasy Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicle series is great. If you want a longer term commitment Wheel of Time is considered a classic of the genre for a reason.
    thanks for all the recommendations! I'll try to check some of these out
    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    little did you know your victory was ALSO a hologram

    Scarlet Hunter
    Scarlet Hunter
    Maybe YOU'RE a hologram.

    Also, this video sums up why I don't participate in any TCF roleplay.
    They're overall pretty good actually, there's some superb writers there and plenty of folks have a good time with it. There isn't actually much PvP-based RP to begin with as a general rule, hence no need for 'I jumps down from the building top and stabs u' and '*dodges it*'. But there's a lot more fun in throwing out a bit of satire at our expense than making statuses going 'We're fookhen grate'.
    Requiescat in pace Zeskorion.
    Can't deny that he's been a contentious figure in recent months but we did have some great fun RPing, back in the old halcyon days when Lone Tree was actually pretty cool. Zesko had a cracking character in Byron but; like a lot of folks, when Lone Tree, Dragon Quest; RWBY: Hunters of Remnant all died and around the same time, he gave up on casual writing here for good. A bit of a shame.
    The kamen rider
    The kamen rider
    Did he get banned,? And if so, how?
    Ima take a guess and say you like RWBY?
    • Like
    Reactions: Jill
    'Course I do, heck, it's one of the few things I do like to watch. RWBY's great.
    Yes, yes it is.
    Wow, well done to the UK Passport issuers! The watermark's got someone's wet bloody fingerprints all over it! They had 1 job.
    My Dad was upset, he soaked the essay they sent to Oxford ahead of my interview. I wouldn't have thought anyone'd care about that stuff.
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