KangarooGuy May 14, 2015 Do you know how it feels to see people liking comments on your status rather than the post itself? ;_;
Do you know how it feels to see people liking comments on your status rather than the post itself? ;_;
KangarooGuy Apr 22, 2015 Congratulations @BLUESWORDSMAN for overtaking @InsertUsernameHere in messages!
KangarooGuy Apr 19, 2015 I had dinner with my brother and his girlfriend the other day. I think I ruined it. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I had dinner with my brother and his girlfriend the other day. I think I ruined it. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
KangarooGuy Apr 17, 2015 I'm lucky i'm not well known, because I don't get alerts. That's one advantage of being a loner.
KangarooGuy Apr 16, 2015 Wow, I think i'm spending this year's birthday alone. <insertforeveralonefacehereonjuly13>
SillyMind69 Feb 15, 2015 Thank you for giving those Pokemon TCGO codes There is a special plase in Heaven for people with kind hearts like yours.
Thank you for giving those Pokemon TCGO codes There is a special plase in Heaven for people with kind hearts like yours.