Recent content by Living Fire Hazard

  1. Living Fire Hazard

    Re-Logic Announces Terraria: Journey's End at E3!

    Thank you for what I’m sure will be an amazing send off to terraria. I’m hyped for master mode. Let Me tackle some nightmares!
  2. Living Fire Hazard

    A Powerful Minishark alternative

    I think this is something I have to agree with. I hadn’t a clue about any npc drops for the longest time and I’d say that goes for a lot of new players to terraria. The only really way to obtain it is by stumbling into it by chance which isn’t very likely.
  3. Living Fire Hazard

    Expert WoF Shall Die at the hand of my Cascade.

    Expert WoF Shall Die at the hand of my Cascade.
  4. Living Fire Hazard

    A Powerful Minishark alternative

    When Starting a new world I always seem to follow the same pattern of weapons up until Hardmode. In terms of Ranger that consists of: metal bows —> space gun —> minishark —> bees knees. With a few other weapons every so often. Somehow though, one weapon seemed to sneak under my radar. The...
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