Lord Ruby
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  • [BS] Ugh, way to be a traitor, Kamiizumi. Minette deserves to burn in deepest of pits, not be taken in.
    Oh man, nice Star Breaker avatar there. (One day I'll have to attempt to finish the OJ games I have lying around...)
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    Yeah this one looks really good, I'm afraid I didn't make it on my own though (I can't draw nearly this well). The only thing that could be a problem with it is that her eyes are hard to see, which is a shame since her eyes are really cool.
    I find the avatar in general hard to see, at least on the small versions, its all so bright. Full size i've no issues seeing the eyes and stuff at all.
    [BS] Bishop finally got an offensive ability! And it's Explosion . . . -.-
    • Like
    Reactions: Bullseye55
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    On that note they did also just get Stillnerfed, which kinda makes up for it.
    [BS] Er, why is the movie playing at the end of every chapter? That's a weird decision.
    [BS] Picking between acquiring the older classes, how... cruel, I like (almost) all of them. Oh well, Thief has priority, Red Mage will wait
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby

    BS=Bravely Second
    BD=Bravely Default

    But they're also made by Square Enix
    Braverly defaults plot sounds EXACTLY like FFVs... lol square enix? Those games seem interresting though, too bad i dont have an 3ds..
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    Well, there are similarities between the plots, that's correct, but it's not nearly exactly the same. If you ever do decide to play the games I'd strongly recommend playing BD first since BS spoils BD very heavily.
    [BS] Janne in the darker outfit looks cool, but why the hell did he do that to his hair? It... Well, I suppose it could be worse.
    [BS] Wow, an actual LOL moment, that sense of direction reference/joke was pure gold.
    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    What is BS?
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    Bravely Second: End Layer, I'm playing the demo, the full version will be released the 26th (in Europe).
    I have to say, I do find it rather perplexing how people fire more fireworks before the new year starts than after. Impatience, I suppose.
    Dear internet conection gods, please resolve whatever issue you have with the nintendo eshop. Why does it always have to be like this?
    And now the though competition for the anniversary contest is starting to show up. Because clearly it's a good idea to enter last minute.
    Some people actually used the month of time given to them well. I'm especially impressed by all the amazing artwork showing up last-minute.
    2 days !!!1!!!!1!one!!!!!


    Friday the 23rd.

    TWICE AS MENACING AS Friday the 13th!!!!

    or something.
    Lord Ruby
    Lord Ruby
    *sigh* Look at my last status.
    Oh that's gonna be a thing.

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