Majestic Creeper
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  • I think my previous idea should happen even more because in calamity there is the lore form the bosses which id suppose to be written by yharim after reading all of them supreme calamitis says ''Come now, face me.''
    I have a youtube channel with barely any subs but im trying to grow and i started making terraria vids because i have been playing for a while so im trying to start doing that ill also stream mostly so thats why i started this forum account it has the same name and profile picture as this account
    oi so in calamity what if when you kill supreme calamitis you can fight yharim so the lore is always talking about his army's so what if post supreme calamitis his worshippers spawn like the cultist around the alter in the lizhard dungeon where you can kill then to spawn yharim i think he would have a tyrants ultisword attack an exoblade one and a yharims crystal attack with the aruic armor buffs for yharim
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