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  • I just viewed myself on the online members list viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself. Wow that is one tongue twister...
    that was only a demo...
    the real one: I just viewed myself on the online members list viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself while viewing myself. Wow that is one tongue twister...
    congratulations, you have viewed a tongue twister and wasted your time. yay
    It's not a tongue twister if it literally makes no sense and repeats "while viewing myself" over and over.
    How ya feeling? Just curious, that is all; how's it feel to bring great gratitude to the Masters early on?
    Hey, buddy, can you refrain from spamming too many profile posts? It's clogging up the profile post feed
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    Reactions: MinieK
    also do you know why i keep getting logged out when i go to any other forum page or reload the page?
    What another member has done in the past is just that, in the past, and calling out another member for having marks is very disrespectful, something we take seriously around here. If you didn't want to take a member's word for something rule related, then you should contact a moderator for confirmation, not call them out because they have marks.
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