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    I'm now part of the 1,6% players who completed this achievement. It was quite annoying though, because I was missing a few spots.
    Hey guys, the end of the month is near. Be sure to vote on your favorite guardians of the month.
    New TerraGuardians update is out: Domino arrives.
    Popularity Contest updated, added Domino. Be sure to vote on your favorite guardian.
    And possibly, this may be the last popularity contest, since I think I will be unable to maintain the event.
    Modifying player draw data is annoying, because the DrawData is a structure, so can't really swap textures.
    Hey, does a guardian other than Rococo and Blue has spawned as starter guardian on your world? Without counting Alex, of course.
    Currently, having 4 guardians following you is kind of boring, because they can wipe out the monsters with ease. Of course I will have to fix that. I just need to think how.
    A hotfix for TerraGuardians mod has been launched. Bree has things to say again!!! Yay!!
    February TG contest closed, but the chart showing the winners will be coming tomorrow.
    Hey guys, you have 2 days to vote on this month's TG popularity contest, before the month changes. Be sure to give a message to your special guardian.
    Tip: If you set a following TerraGuardian to get all items you sent do trash, and to auto sell items, It will be useful for selling items you discard during your exploration, avoiding you from having to return to town to sell loot, or ditch it.
    I'm trying to add unique rewards for the Bounty quests, I've already got 3 accessories that can be used to buff guardians. Do you have ideas of new accessories that could be added as reward too?
    New TerraGuardians update is out. Revamped custom guardian creation system.
    The source I used to debug the custom guardian creation can be found here: MEGA
    Check out the tutorial for more info on how you can create them, before certainly will need a revamp. Just skim through it for information.
    Damn, It's been nearly 8 months since I begun the TerraGuardians mod. Time surelly flies, looks like yesterday when I launched the mod first version, where Rococo had a bald face, and barelly could use magic, or anything the player could use.
    Even though this companion mod were made with the thought of singleplayer gameplay, that doesn't means in the future It may not have multiplayer support. Multiplayer support is kind of my dream at the moment.
    There was going to be a moment in the gameplay, where you would have to go to the Ether Realm. The Ether Realm would be a harder version of the world, where only your TerraGuardian can go. You would need to have access to the Player Control of your guardian to access it. Think of it as a open field raid. You can also guess how welcome would multiplayer be to this.
    Well, I guess that's all I can say for now. I'm not sure if the plans I've posted here will manage to get into the mod, but at least you know what has been in my mind during those 8 months of TerraGuardians mod.
    I've managed to split each TerraGuardian in different classes, making It way better to edit them. Also, changed how the dialogue work, now instead of lists of string and delegates, It now has a method that can be overriden by the GuardianBase.
    Also, had to fix the mini mod I made to test custom guardian scripts, also make changes to it. I'll only be able to launch it on the next mod update, though. That may make it easier for people to create their custom guardians for the mod.
    TerraGuardians has some things you can do, that the mod just doesn't tell. One trial I'll have is finding a way of showing what you can do, without annoying or hindering the gameplay.
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