You can vote for multiple choices! The winner name gets into the game! 1. Marshmallow by @morning_rain 2. Hermeowne by @CerealSunny 3. Johny by @NonNamedFella 4. James Timothy Marcus IV by @Clockwork17 5. Mr. Peanutbutter by @Impostor 6. Einstein by @LudolfΩ 7. Jerry by...
Please spread the word so more people can vote! Many thanks!
Hey, I just wanted to say happy birthday and congratulations on winning the painting contest! Makes me wish the paintings would make it into the game too
I'm looking forward to seeing what you post on your YouTube channel as well
If you could pick a name for a town pet, what would it be? I am thinking of running a poll to decide the winner, so let’s hear your ideas! Pick the pet, its variation, and write the name.
Subscribed to your YouTube because you seem like a good person. Remember me when you get famous!
Also I noticed you said you like Metal, what songs do you like? I recently found some guy who combines Starwars music with Doom OST. It sounds amazing.
I'd love to hear what you enjoy.
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