Necrius Oct 5, 2015 10 stacks... 10 full friggin stacks of gel and no slime staff! Dammit, RNG, there must be a limit!
Necrius Oct 5, 2015 We have bosses for Forest, Corruption, Crimson, Dungeon, Ocean, Jungle (2 of them), but no Ice and Desert ones. That's too bad.
We have bosses for Forest, Corruption, Crimson, Dungeon, Ocean, Jungle (2 of them), but no Ice and Desert ones. That's too bad.
Necrius Jul 14, 2015 I wonder if throwing class will be fleshed out in 1.3.1. Boomerangs should do throwing damage as well.
I wonder if throwing class will be fleshed out in 1.3.1. Boomerangs should do throwing damage as well.
LaythDaBaker May 20, 2015 Lol, I love your signature! Also, thank you for posting on the Top 5 thread!
Necrius May 15, 2015 For some reason I can't reply nor create threads. There's just no window to enter text.
Necrius May 1, 2015 Latest Relogic tweet made me remember Dr. Facilier. Aaare you reeeady??? Terraria totally needs dancing and drumming voodoo dolls.
Latest Relogic tweet made me remember Dr. Facilier. Aaare you reeeady??? Terraria totally needs dancing and drumming voodoo dolls.
Necrius Mar 14, 2015 Micro spoilers are not enough, macro spoilers may ruin the hype. Find the balance.
T T Teal Mar 7, 2015 Just some positive feedback, your stories are really talented and I hope to see many more. Best of luck.
Just some positive feedback, your stories are really talented and I hope to see many more. Best of luck.