Recent content by ohsoyoulikebeans

  1. ohsoyoulikebeans

    What's your most hated sounds on terraria?

    underground corruption and corruption music
  2. ohsoyoulikebeans


  3. ohsoyoulikebeans

    BOE Jiden

    BOE Jiden
  4. ohsoyoulikebeans


  5. ohsoyoulikebeans

    or get it?

    or get it?
  6. ohsoyoulikebeans

    cool how would you craft it

    cool how would you craft it
  7. ohsoyoulikebeans

    Ask me, a Robot Enjoyer, anything!

    artificial underworld biome?
  8. ohsoyoulikebeans

    Terraria Bad Ideas

    the bone key attacks the player
  9. ohsoyoulikebeans

    Slimelings clip through the floor when spawned from dying corrupt slime.

    same with Pinky's they hoik thru blocks
  10. ohsoyoulikebeans

    What is Your Favorite Terraria Music?

    mine is boss 2/ WOF music
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