Plexity Jul 23, 2015 Watch you punctuation, it could save people's life! "Let's eat, dad!" "Let's eat dad!"
Plexity Jul 22, 2015 Brand new profile picture, so meta looking! I did this quicker than I thought! Took about an hour.
Plexity Jul 21, 2015 I think I got over the crossant-covered hot dog, watching Steven Universe all day! This is the life!
Plexity Jul 19, 2015 Back from a 3 day camping trip, got some cold greetings, ate some half-day-old pig-in-a-blankets, and feel like I'm gonna barf. Best weekend
Back from a 3 day camping trip, got some cold greetings, ate some half-day-old pig-in-a-blankets, and feel like I'm gonna barf. Best weekend
Plexity Jul 19, 2015 Back from a 3 day camping trip, got some cold greetings, ate some half-day-old pig-in-a-blankets, and feel like I'm gonna barf. Best weekend
Back from a 3 day camping trip, got some cold greetings, ate some half-day-old pig-in-a-blankets, and feel like I'm gonna barf. Best weekend
Plexity Jul 19, 2015 Back from a 3 day camping trip, got some cold embraces from my sister, ate some cold pig-in-a-blankets, and feel like I'm gonna barf. Yay...
Back from a 3 day camping trip, got some cold embraces from my sister, ate some cold pig-in-a-blankets, and feel like I'm gonna barf. Yay...
Plexity Jul 13, 2015 Thinking if I should browse the Terreria forums, Terreria guide, or ACTUALLY PLAY TERRERIA!