Pupusyaviy Sep 29, 2016 Yes, LoL Worlds is starting tomorrow! Gonna run the hype train into the ground!
Pupusyaviy Sep 28, 2016 I just learned a huge lesson today the hard way, just ing do it, not matter how embarrassing it is, just do it.
I just learned a huge lesson today the hard way, just ing do it, not matter how embarrassing it is, just do it.
Pupusyaviy Sep 14, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHQr0HCIN2w Makes me laugh no matter how many times I watch it.
Pupusyaviy Sep 7, 2016 1ST day of school was boring, I have 3 classes in portables and then next week will be burning.
Pupusyaviy Aug 13, 2016 I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE GRAVE! In Vegas right now, will return to the North soon to start chilling with you guys again.
I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE GRAVE! In Vegas right now, will return to the North soon to start chilling with you guys again.
Pupusyaviy Jul 24, 2016 Can I ask, is TAPI updated to the latest version? Or has everyone just gone to coding mods without the API?
Can I ask, is TAPI updated to the latest version? Or has everyone just gone to coding mods without the API?
Pupusyaviy Jul 18, 2016 I come to all of you good TCF members for awesome dubstep, house, trap, or techno tracks or remixes to awesome video game soundtracks.
I come to all of you good TCF members for awesome dubstep, house, trap, or techno tracks or remixes to awesome video game soundtracks.