
Guess who's back? Back again....

Yeah it's me. I'm the Giant Rat that makes all of the rules

To anyone who sees this, Hi! This internet stranger cares about you, and hopes you have a good day :]
March 27
Always Watching :]
Re-Logic Games Owned
  1. Terraria: PC
  2. Terraria: Xbox 360
  3. Terraria: Wii U
Favorite Thread
Professional Dragon Nerd


Howdy! I've been here since 2020, left for a while, now I'm back!
appleNsauce (Thanks for being so cool)
AverageAnimalAppreciator (Miss you friend)
Banana_=P (Called me a Girlboss. Very cool! French speaker and ULTRAKILL enthusiast, and overall delightful)
Blackbugatti101 (You were chaos incarnate)
Daikonradish (an absolutely wonderful individual)
Dearest 悪魔 (Fellow CalF1sh Shipper and overall lovely)
Esther (one of my oldest and dearest friends, and one of my favorite forum users. I hope you remember I care about you)
ethan2🥐🌳🐿️ (A friendly, creative fellow and aspiring author. I look forward to reading your books)
Federal Crow (One of my favorite folks on the forums. What a legend, thanks for being my friend)
Ganransu (I consider you my friend, love your pixel art by the way)
Ghostrix ΣΓβΞΔλΠΨΩ (I miss you buddy. We all do. Hope you're well)
GodYtlas 🌳 (You seem very cool! I hope we interact more in future)
Ivyss (The dragon images you post bring me life. Never stop. You're a fantastic individual)
Magical♥Miyuki (I wish we talked more, you were an absolute joy to interact with)
Magi∆ (Like a chaotic brother to me. Miss you my guy)
Mecha_Twitchy🎧🎵 (Introduced me to I Wani Hug That Gator!. this may be my demise. Super cool either way)
Raizen The Courier 💾👾🪓🌲 (Used to talk with me about Dragcave stuff. Very nice individual)
SeaTyrant54 (Fantastic Individual, hope your oven doesn't commit arson on any more of your things)
Siverko (I sure do miss the ice dragon. Take a cube for the road my friend 🧊)
Streyll (Another of my favorite folks here. A good friend to me, forevermore)
I've received many many gifts throughout my time here
Elivyr gave me this slime. LOOK AT HIM FOR HE IS GLORIOUS

Archon The All-Knowing gave me this slime. BeAuTiFuL :islime:
SapphireSuicine Gave me this slime : D :yslime:
Dark Digitus Awoken gave me this pumpkin! :pumpking: Look at it spin : )
Boop Noodle Gave me this bouncy boi! :kingslime: Look at him go
Boop Noodle also gave me a Nymph! :nymph: I think my life is in danger.
Boop Noodle gives me too many things!🦐 It's a shrimp!
Ultimate Snowman 46 gave me a seizure slime. :rslime: oh no
Angry Bones gave me golem! :golem: yay!
Wisp95 Gifted me this lovely boi! :sslime:
Chir' Gave me these two! :islime: :lslime: They're lovely
Mushy Chlorophyte gave me a red! oooh, :red: that's a rare one...
More seizure slimes from Angry bones! Oooh and a hoppin jack! :rslime::rslime::rslime::rslime::rslime::rslime: :hoppinjack:
Scratch Lunin has given me The first object Xeroc ever created. It is a very special rock. I am keeping it in a safe place.
GoatKingg? gave me a welcome back slime. :bluslime: Thank you.<3

Champion Greninjoid gave me a welcome back slime as well. :kingslime: Thank you. <3
ChimeraWarden gave me a cool looking thing and I am keeping it in a safe place. thank you!
Palladium46 gave me a seizure slime! thank you! :rslime:
IAmDefinitelyNotZach gave me this as well! Thank you! :lslime:
Esther gave me a really cool lantern!

Thank you!
King Jameth III gifted me This Duck!🦆
It's riding a boulder _______________:boulder:
LUMBERJANES (the most obscure one unfortunately), OMORI, Little Nightmares I,II, (III when it comes out,) and Very Little Nightmares, SPLATOON 1-3 MY BELOVED, Wings Of Fire, Danganronpa (the most unfortunate one), Hololive & Vshojo (Hakos Baelz is my Kamioshi), Celeste, ULTRAKILL, Risk of Rain 2, Saiki K, Mob Psycho 100, BNHA
I'll add more as I remember them
Hakos Baelz was my anime girl of choice.
Hatsune Miku was my prize <3

Thanks for taking the time to look through my signature :]
Remember! this internet stranger cares about you, Be Gay Do Witchcraft, SEE YOU AROUND THE FORUMS!


  1. 0

    Like a plank of driftwood tossed on the watery main...

    You've been here five whole years drifting and growing, surely you've become quite the big Fishron in the pond?
  2. 0

    Putting Down Roots

    You've been here four whole years and, like a flower, made the forum more beautiful with your presence.
  3. 0

    I Have Many Leather-Bound Books....

    1,095 days is a long time, indeed....and that's how long you've been a member of our Community!
  4. 0

    The Fabric of Our Lives...

    Two years as a Terrarian! Thanks for your continued support!
  5. 0


    Happy Paper Anniversary! You've been a member of the Terrarian Community for a full year!
  6. 0


    Content you have posted has attracted a positive reaction score of 100.
  7. 0

    One of Us! One of Us!

    1,000 messages. 'Nuff Said. Thanks for being a loyal and active Terrarian!
  8. 0

    Alert the Paparazzi!

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
  9. 0

    This is....Terraria!

    500 posts, huh? Your fingers must be pretty tired by now....
  10. 0

    Terraria: The world that has been pulled over your eyes...

    The Terrariatrix has you! With 100 messages posted, it's too late to turn back now!
  11. 0

    You like really, really like me....

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  12. 0

    Out of the Shadows...

    A lurker no longer, you have posted your first message in our community forums!
  13. 0

    Certifiably Terrarian

    You are a True Terrarian! (Awarded for indicating that you own Terraria)
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