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  • :red: that, I was preparing a post for "terraria literature" and it deleted even it
    :red: Spore, it crashes in galactic mode like every 5 minutes, worse videogame I EVER bought. any tips are welcome.
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    Reactions: Daikonradish
    I tried 4 different computers over several years, and not a single one of them would run the game more than 30 minutes without a CTD. The framerates and everything was fine, and every other game was fine, but SC4 was just crashcrashcrashcrashcrash. Gave up on it, the game kinda sucks anyways.
    So I can certainly understand their Spore crashing constantly on a modern computer. EA was not known for releasing quality stuff, still isn't lol.
    Hello RR, I remember when I downloaded Zelda Classic (a computer version of the NES game The Legend of Zelda), I opened the ZQuest app and it crashes (because I use Windows 10) everytime I open it! same thing happens in Spore where you got it crashed
    Your spoiler line is great, but it stops working on the 20th one, might want to look into that.
    I'm too lazy to fix that, And right now I used a week of my life in a thread that won't see light because drafts are bugged. So I am too lazy.
    There is an austrian big server BUT NOT AN ITALIAN ONE? Disappointed.
    I did my first suggestion, but no one seems interested. I think I'll close it when I'll finish USUM
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