Recent content by ShadowsBane999

  1. ShadowsBane999

    Biomes & Nature Cobweb Variations

    I think it would be a good idea, but like stormconure said that if vines could spread corruption then cobwebs could grow too and then if there is a spider nest in your elevator (sorry don't like using that word) then the spiderwebs would infinitely spread your corruption like the elevator wasn't...
  2. ShadowsBane999

    No, I already have one

    No, I already have one
  3. ShadowsBane999

    Sure you can be in the legion and be an elite

    Sure you can be in the legion and be an elite
  4. ShadowsBane999

    got to go

    got to go
  5. ShadowsBane999

    I know your picture gives it away

    I know your picture gives it away
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