Shyguy Jul 20, 2016 If 1.3.3 adds anything to the Desert other than just vanity, I may die of a "Hyped up Aneurysm".
Shyguy Jun 24, 2016 If Otherworld doesn't have a copper short sword, I will be severely disappointed.
Shyguy Jun 16, 2016 Got banned from Kongregate because of a bad username... Apparently "_Pancakes" is inappropriate...?
Shyguy May 22, 2016 Sadly, the Legend of the Terrarian map has been ravened by many dynamite sticks..
Shyguy May 18, 2016 I guess terraria 1.3.1 coming out a day before my B-Day is a pretty awesome present...
Shyguy May 7, 2016 ToW has been a bit quiet lately.... Could we possibly be getting a big spoiler in the future?
Shyguy Apr 1, 2016 I used to create small dungeons and stuff for my brother... and with conveyor belts and new wiring, I'm going to make him a living hell.
I used to create small dungeons and stuff for my brother... and with conveyor belts and new wiring, I'm going to make him a living hell.
Shyguy Mar 17, 2016 Would be pretty amazing to see The Destroyer possibly make an EPIC come back in TOW, not saying he isn't cool already, favorite boss... hehe
Would be pretty amazing to see The Destroyer possibly make an EPIC come back in TOW, not saying he isn't cool already, favorite boss... hehe
Shyguy Mar 9, 2016 Controller Support is pretty cool, even though I don't use one. Kinda died a little inside after I saw that the update needed more time...
Controller Support is pretty cool, even though I don't use one. Kinda died a little inside after I saw that the update needed more time...
Shyguy Mar 8, 2016 I'd be ok with it if there were Moon Lord or Destroyer... or Boss Statues in General. Good for maps, puzzles, and trolling :]
I'd be ok with it if there were Moon Lord or Destroyer... or Boss Statues in General. Good for maps, puzzles, and trolling :]
Shyguy Mar 2, 2016 I got the feeling that when TOW is released, I'm going to play it to completion... leaving it "bone dry" of content...
I got the feeling that when TOW is released, I'm going to play it to completion... leaving it "bone dry" of content...
Shyguy Nov 26, 2015 Man I wish turkor, the bunny, and ocram were in pc terraria... Who wouldn't want to fight a hydra turkey on thanksgiving?
Man I wish turkor, the bunny, and ocram were in pc terraria... Who wouldn't want to fight a hydra turkey on thanksgiving?
Shyguy Oct 10, 2015 So I checked amazon to see if terraria was released... apparently it will be released March 31, 2016... hmm
So I checked amazon to see if terraria was released... apparently it will be released March 31, 2016... hmm