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  • Your picture shows the Gourmet Guy, not a normal Shy Guy.
    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    no this is fat anomaly (^:
    Thee Pie Man
    Thee Pie Man
    That prejudice man. So he's not normal just because he's a Gourmet? Not cool. What if I said you're not a Master of Terraria? But a Boombox?! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?
    If 1.3.3 adds anything to the Desert other than just vanity, I may die of a "Hyped up Aneurysm".
    The best addition would be to make Pharoah Vanity appear like Living Wood and Leaf Wands
    Personally, something that expands on the throwing 'class' in Hardmode... by that, I mean, it have a presence in it through one or two armor sets along with items to compliment the armor (sets).
    @Shadow_Mantis I never relied on throwables in my playthroughs, except for the Javelins, when they hit the scene in 1.3. I agree, however, that this branch of combat should be expanded and some new items/mechanics added into future updates, as well as, maybe, an incentive of some sort, to convince people to use them more often.
    Got banned from Kongregate because of a bad username... Apparently ":red:_Pancakes" is inappropriate...?
    A pancake that came out of someone's :red: doesn't sound very pleasant.
    Neither does a pancake made of :red:.
    Fun fact, in Spanish the difference between the words year and :red: is the accent over the n.
    Anos :guidesmile:red:guidesmile: and años (year).
    actually its a tilde not an accent
    and años is years not year
    yes i like to nitpick everything and be really annoying
    I guess terraria 1.3.1 coming out a day before my B-Day is a pretty awesome present...
    I used to create small dungeons and stuff for my brother... and with conveyor belts and new wiring, I'm going to make him a living hell.
    Cat just died of Cancer... not in a great mood.
    Oh welp...that really sucks. I have already lost two cats - I know the feel. Hope everything gets better soon.
    I hope things look up for you. :guidesad:
    aw! I'm sorry, I hope you feel better. :guidesad:
    Would be pretty amazing to see The Destroyer possibly make an EPIC come back in TOW, not saying he isn't cool already, favorite boss... hehe
    Controller Support is pretty cool, even though I don't use one. Kinda died a little inside after I saw that the update needed more time...
    I'd be ok with it if there were Moon Lord or Destroyer... or Boss Statues in General. Good for maps, puzzles, and trolling :]
    I don't think they should be able to spawn the boss, though. Would be OP as you could farm the boss easily just by flipping a switch. Maybe as a very rare drop.
    I got the feeling that when TOW is released, I'm going to play it to completion... leaving it "bone dry" of content... :guidegrin:
    Man I wish turkor, the bunny, and ocram were in pc terraria... Who wouldn't want to fight a hydra turkey on thanksgiving?
    Me. :red:ing ugly :red:s. And not in the way I appreciate.
    Nobody Important
    Nobody Important
    They need a serious resprite to look like something not just stuffed in.
    So I checked amazon to see if terraria was released... apparently it will be released March 31, 2016... hmm
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