Recent content by Singerbear

  1. S

    Other request update to Dye trader speech

    When trading in strange plants, the dye trader responds with one of i think three responses as long as you have plants to exchange. Two of those are three lines long, and one is 2, resulting in the button you need to press to exchange jumping up and down on the screen. The response in question...
  2. S

    **REPORTED** Unable to type on signs and graves.

    it's occurring to me also.
  3. S

    Sign not editable

    I'm in a journey world and have created a sign and placed it. After clicking on it i get a box saying i can edit itor close it, but after clicking edit, i cannot enter any text in the field and can only cancel out. Is anyone else having this problem, and is there a report on this yet? I...
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