Snickerbobble Feb 20, 2016 Finally got my blizzard bottle and.. a FIFTH heart statue!? I'm set for Moon Lord!
Snickerbobble Feb 16, 2016 Hellfire arrows no longer damage the shooter.. I've been wanting this forever! Plus they got buffed too, neat.
Hellfire arrows no longer damage the shooter.. I've been wanting this forever! Plus they got buffed too, neat.
Snickerbobble Feb 16, 2016 Well, that makes the FOURTH one.. aside from the pharaoh outfit and lack of BiaB, this world loves me.
Well, that makes the FOURTH one.. aside from the pharaoh outfit and lack of BiaB, this world loves me.
Snickerbobble Feb 16, 2016 These areas are basically the Terrarian version of bubble wrap. Must pop them ALL..
Snickerbobble Feb 15, 2016 So, apparently according to Ghost Busters, yesterday was gonna be the end of the world. WE DID IT!