Snickerbobble Jan 30, 2016 If the monsters are after your soul in Undertale for its power, how come they shatter it?
Snickerbobble Jan 30, 2016 Look at this cute cat
Mrwubz116 Jan 29, 2016 Do you know if they make make it compatible with my device soon? In on LG risio
Mrwubz116 Jan 29, 2016 It's not related, but as I understand there was a new update to mobile terraria; and in my app store it says the version isn't compatible
It's not related, but as I understand there was a new update to mobile terraria; and in my app store it says the version isn't compatible
Snickerbobble Jan 27, 2016 Think I just died at the last second of the circle of gaster blasters. Really..
Snickerbobble Jan 27, 2016 Undertale updated, and Sans battle got a change.. still has the menu bones
Snickerbobble Jan 23, 2016 A computer for Charlotte