Spiderr Jan 5, 2019 I hope its a possibility that one day, Terraria can be cross platform. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
I hope its a possibility that one day, Terraria can be cross platform. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
ikillzombies Apr 10, 2016 well, i was going to post a spoiler on your profile, but i don't know how to post pictures on profiles
well, i was going to post a spoiler on your profile, but i don't know how to post pictures on profiles
Spiderr Apr 10, 2016 how many Terrarians with a copper shortsword does it take to kill the moon lord? I dont know, im asking you
how many Terrarians with a copper shortsword does it take to kill the moon lord? I dont know, im asking you
Spiderr Apr 10, 2016 I'm helping out at the Ersion Mod, Go check it out --> http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/ersion-starting.35318/
I'm helping out at the Ersion Mod, Go check it out --> http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/ersion-starting.35318/
Spiderr Apr 9, 2016 Well, I just spent 1-2 hours on a pixel art website making my own zombie... and it, for some reason took my logo, on the pixel art so yeah
Well, I just spent 1-2 hours on a pixel art website making my own zombie... and it, for some reason took my logo, on the pixel art so yeah
Matsu Apr 9, 2016 It's okay to be excited and want to get your ideas out there, but you might want to space out your status posting a bit more.
It's okay to be excited and want to get your ideas out there, but you might want to space out your status posting a bit more.