SprainedCactus4 Jun 8, 2022 It'd be super-neato for painting to have a tool similar to The Grand Design. Painting as it is is a *little* cumbersome
It'd be super-neato for painting to have a tool similar to The Grand Design. Painting as it is is a *little* cumbersome
SprainedCactus4 Aug 20, 2019 Defeating the Dungeon Guardian outta count the same way as killing Skeletron for the lads mad enough to go through with it.
Defeating the Dungeon Guardian outta count the same way as killing Skeletron for the lads mad enough to go through with it.
SprainedCactus4 Aug 16, 2019 I've noticed all the likes I've given to replies on my profile posts prior to the previous one had all been undone. What happened?
I've noticed all the likes I've given to replies on my profile posts prior to the previous one had all been undone. What happened?
SprainedCactus4 Aug 12, 2019 It's a proven fact that wearing sunglasses makes anyone and anything cooler.
SprainedCactus4 Dec 5, 2018 Terraria Social Media: *Posts something* People: "wHEn upDaTe?" never fails.
SprainedCactus4 Nov 14, 2017 Scribbled this up this morning instead of sleeping like a healthy individual
SprainedCactus4 Sep 13, 2017 It's pretty cool to hear that the console exclusive armor will be making it's way to PC, but it's a shame to see that Ocram has to go.
It's pretty cool to hear that the console exclusive armor will be making it's way to PC, but it's a shame to see that Ocram has to go.
SprainedCactus4 Aug 4, 2017 It's really neat to see the original Patapon make it onto the PS4. Hopefully this'll pave the way for the rest of the series as well.
It's really neat to see the original Patapon make it onto the PS4. Hopefully this'll pave the way for the rest of the series as well.
SprainedCactus4 Aug 1, 2017 I managed to recover my old endgame character yesterday. Feels good to spam Razorpine again
SprainedCactus4 Jul 2, 2017 It's been so long since I've sat down and played Terraria that I've pretty much forgotten what it's like to be in Hardmode.
It's been so long since I've sat down and played Terraria that I've pretty much forgotten what it's like to be in Hardmode.