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  • Also, I have no idea how to play PC or anything... what is the multiplayer like? How do I work it??
    You'll figure out VERY easily.
    mind you if you know how to do it you'll figure out in less than a minute.
    laptop gaming isn't best tho
    Infinity Mage
    Infinity Mage
    Chazm is correct.
    The interface is easy, just mouse and wasd, as well as space.
    Multiplayer is simple.
    Just run TerrariaServer.exe and join Port(By default it's 7777 but it can be any #)
    To find out the IP adress run cmd and in that run IPConfig.
    So I am going to be getting my own laptop and Terraria PC! I'm SO excited!! I have to wait for my laptop to come but nevermind that.
    uh hi future laptop terraria player. kinda a bad idea. laptops aren't really made to play games but i think it can run terraria smoothly. or what i think. i own a laptop with terraria. its laggy and crashes a lot.
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